Question : Land for Setting up Kendriya Vidyalayas

(a) whether the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has received land for setting up of schools in various parts of Maharashtra and Odisha;
(b) if so, the details of land of various districts of Maharashtra and Odisha so far transferred in the name of the Sangathan;
(c) whether the Government has allocated funds for development of buildings and infrastructure on various such schools for which land is in possession of the Sangathan;
(d) if so, the details thereof and the time by which schools from such buildings are likely to be operational, school-wise;
(e) whether it is a fact that there has been a shortage of teachers in the existing schools functioning in Maharashtra and Odisha; and
(f) if so, the details of such shortage, school wise and the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) Presently, there are 59 Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) (53 in Civil /Defence/ MHA Sector and 06 in project sector) and 63 KVs (59 in Civil/Defence/MHA Sector and 04 in project sector) functioning in the States of Maharashtra and Odisha respectively. It is responsibility of the Government to provide funds to construct permanent school buildings of Civil/Defence/MHA Sector KVs on the suitable land provided by the sponsoring authority, free of cost, as per the extant norms of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS). Out of 53 Civil/Defence/MHA Sector KVs in
the State of Maharashtra and 59 Civil /Defence/MHA Sector KVs in the State of Odisha, 49 KVs in Maharashtra and 39 KVs in Odisha are functioning in its permanent building constructed by KVS. In Maharashtra, land has been transferred in favour of all 53 KVs. In Odisha, land transfer in favour of KVS has been completed for 56 KVs and still pending in respect of 03 KVs at Murgabadi (Mayurbhanj), Bhanjnagar (Ganjam) and No.2 Cuttack (Cuttack).
(c) & (d) Construction of permanent buildings for KVs is a continuous process, which depends upon identification of suitable land, completion of lease formalities in favour of KVS by the sponsoring authorities, submission of drawings / estimates by construction agency, availability of funds and requisite approvals etc. As such, no definite time frame can be given in this regard.
KVS is an autonomous body under Ministry of Education fully funded by the Government. The requirement of funds for construction of permanent KV building is met by KVS out of the grant released by the Government under Grants-in-aid (Creation of Capital Assets).
(e) & (f) As on 16.11.2021, 604 and 753 teaching posts are lying vacant in the State of Maharashtra and Odisha respectively. KV-wise details are annexed.
In this regard, continuous effort is made to fill up the vacancies as per the provisions of the relevant recruitment rules. Teachers are also engaged on contractual basis for temporary duration by KVS to ensure that the teaching-learning process is not hampered.

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