Question : Measures to Fight against Covid-19

(a) whether any steps have been taken by the Ministry of Skill Development and Enterprises to support fight against COVID-19, if so, the details thereof;

(b) if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether any database has been prepared with regard to labourers who returned back to their homes from different States of the country and the Indian citizens who returned back in the country under Vande Bharat Mission who have filled their skilled cards and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether there is any proposed to use this data base for their employment and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b) The Ministry has taken a number of steps to help the nation to fight against Covid-19.Some of the major steps are as follow:-
i. The database of 1,75,000 persons trained by the Ministry’s skilling ecosystem in health sector such as Health Workers, Emergency Medical Technicians, General Duty Assistants, Home Health Aid etc were made available to the States for utilizing their services during the pandemic;
ii. The facilities in National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs)/Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) were made available to the States for use as Quarantine Centres / Isolation Wards
iii. About 32 lakhs of face mask were prepared and distributed by Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), ITIs and NSTIs.
iv. Skill levels of reverse migrant workers were mapped and process started to train 3 lakh such reverse migrants to ensure availability of local livelihood opportunities to these migrants
v. The data of willing overseas returnee migrants were captured and onboarded on ASEEM so as to provide job opportunities to them
vi. Online Training was conducted through BharatSkills portal covering 29 popular courses, e-learning video content for 71 courses and Question Bank for all the 137 trades under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) for ITIs benefitting 9,38,851 trainees
(c) and (d) This Ministry, in partnership with Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Civil Aviation, is doing the skill mapping exercise of the returning citizens under the Vande Bharat Mission flights. The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), an organization under the Ministry, has issued SWADES (Skilled Workers Arrival Database for Employment Support) skill cards to the returning Indians in Vande Bharat Mission flights and as on 31.08.2020, about 28,000 citizens have already registered for SWADES skill cards. Details of 25,979 persons have been uploaded on the newly launched ASEEM (Atmanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping) portal, which is a directory of all skilled persons in the country and which potential employers can use to recruit skilled personnel in any part of the country.

Similarly, this Ministry has done a skill mapping exercise of the internal migrants who returned from other states to their home districts in 116 districts taken up under the Garib Kalayan Rozgar Abhiyaan (GKRA). The details of such skilled persons have been on-boarded on ASEEM. As on 11th September, 12.82 lakh returning migrant details have been made available on ASEEM, and thus are available for recruitment by potential employers.

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