(a) whether some persons connected with terrorism related incidents in the country are linked to Bihar as well;

(b) if so, the number of such persons apprehended in Bihar so far, along with their names and addresses;

(c) whether the Government is aware that wide networks are being laid in India along the Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bangladesh borders in connivance with the ISI and Chinese organisations to carry out violence;

(d) if so, the action being taken to prevent it;

(e) whether some voluntary organisations are also involved and they have received foreign funding as well; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the action taken against them?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b) : As per available intelligence inputs, 9 persons have been arrested from various places in Bihar since January, 2011 till date in connection with the terrorism related incidents in various parts of the country. The names and addresses of such persons are at Annexure-I.

(c) : There is no intelligence input available about laying of a network in Indo-Bangladesh border in connivance with the ISI and Chinese organization to carry out violence. However, Jehadi outfits viz. LeT, JeM, etc. have come to notice for setting up their terrorist infrastructure in Bangladesh and using the porous Bangladesh-India border to send arms and ammunition to Jehadis in India through Indo-Bangladesh border. Interrogation of a Pak trained terrorist, revealed that terrorists were being imparted training in ISI facilities in Pakistan in batches and are being launched into India via Nepal/Bangladesh to organize terrorist activities.

(d) : Government is committed to thwart any evil design / plan of terrorists or terror groups / outfits to carry out attacks in any part of the country in all forms or manifestations. As such, intelligence inputs about possible designs and threats by the terrorist outfits are shared with the State Governments. The Multi Agency Centre (MAC) has been strengthened and re-organised to enable it to function on 24x7 basis for real time collation and sharing of intelligence with other intelligence agencies and security intelligence inputs are shared with the concerned States through the established mechanism, which ensures close coordination and sharing of intelligence and seamless flow of information between the States and the Central Security and Law Enforcement Agency. This has resulted in busting of several major terror module.

(e) : There are no current intelligence inputs available with the Government to indicate that any voluntary organization has come to light for misuse foreign contribution to spread a terrorist network in Bihar.