Question : Effects of Air Pollution

(a) whether the Government is aware that a large number of people living in metro politan cities are suffering from various diseases due to air pollution and ifso, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Central Pollution Control Board has assessed the quality of air pollution in major cities of the countryand suggested reformative measures totackle such situation and if so, the detailsthereof;
(c) whether the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on the eve of the World Environment Day has observed that no State in the country is complying with therules and regulations of waste managementand if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government is alsoaware of the observation of NGT that six lakh people die every year in the countrydue to diseases caused by air pollution likeAsthma and Cancer;
(e) if so, the details thereof indicatingthe total number of people who lost their lives due to air pollution during the lastthree years and the current year, State/UT wise along with the reaction of theGovernment thereto; and
(f) the other corrective measures takenby the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Government is aware of many studies published from time to time reporting model-based estimates of morbidity attributable to air pollution in India, including the people living in the metropolitan cities.These estimates are based on models, simulations and extrapolations. Air pollution is one of the factors affecting respiratory ailments and associated diseases. However, there are no conclusive data available in the country to establish direct correlation of death/ disease exclusively due to pollution. Health effects of pollution are synergistic manifestation of factors which include food habits, occupational habits, socio-economic status, medical history, immunity, heredity, etc., of the individuals.

(b) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has identified 102 non-attainment cities, based on ambient air quality data for the period 2011 – 2015and WHO report 2014/2018. City specific action plans have been prepared for these cities for implementation under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP).Out of these 102 non-attainment cities, 28 priority citieswith million plus population and PM10>90µg/m³ have been identified for funding of ?10 Crores in the current year under NCAPfor various components, that inter alia include installation and commissioning of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS), creating green buffer zone along the roads, mechanical street sweeper, Mobile Enforcement Unit, public awareness and capacity building activities, water sprinkler, etc.For the remaining non-attainment cities, funding of ?10 lakhs per city for cities with population less than 5 lakhs and ? 20 lakhs per city, for cities with a population of 5 to10 lakhs have been sanctioned.

(c) to (e) The Government is aware of the statement made by persons and also articles published in various media referring to the model based estimates of mortality/ morbidity attributed to air pollution. However, as stated above, these estimatesare based on models, simulations and extrapolations and there are no conclusive data available in the country to establish direct correlation of death/ disease exclusively due to air pollution. The Central Government has notified six waste management rules covering solid waste, plastic waste, e-waste, bio-medical waste, Construction and Demolition(C&D) waste and hazardous wastes issued in 2016 for the better management of wastes.

(f)The other corrective measures taken by the Government for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution include:

Plans and Directions
• Comprehensive Action Plan (CAP) identifying timelines and implementing agency for actions identified for prevention, control and mitigation of air pollution in Delhi and NCR has been notified.
• National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) under the Central Sector “Control of Pollution” Scheme as a time bound national level strategy to tackle air pollution problem across the country in comprehensive manner has been launched.
• Graded Response Action Plan for different levels of air pollution in Delhi and NCR has been notified.
• A comprehensive set of directions have been issued under section 18 (1) (b) of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1986 for implementation of 42/31 measures to mitigate air pollution in major cities including Delhi and NCR cities comprising of control and mitigation measures related to vehicular emissions, re-suspension of road dust and other fugitive emissions, bio-mass/municipal solid waste burning, industrial pollution, construction and demolition activities, and other general steps.

• Setting up of monitoring network for assessment of ambient air quality.
• Notification of National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
• Launch of National Air Quality Index.
• Implementation of Air Quality Early Warning System for Delhi in October, 2018 in association with Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).

• Leapfrogging from BS-IV to BS-VI fuel standards since 1st April, 2018 in NCT of Delhi and from by 1st April, 2020 in the rest of the country.
• Introduction of cleaner / alternate fuels like gaseous fuel (CNG, LPG etc.), ethanol blending.
• Operationalisation of Eastern Peripheral Expressway & Western Peripheral Expressway to divert non-destined traffic from Delhi.
• Streamlining the issuance of Pollution Under Control Certificate.

• Badarpur thermal power plant has been closed from 15th October, 2018.
• All Operational brick kilns have been shifted to zig-zag technology in Delhi and NCR.
• Installation of on-line continuous (24x7) monitoring devices all red category industries in Delhi and NCR.
• Revision of emission standards for industrial sectors from time to time.

Biomass and Solid Waste
• A new Central Sector Scheme on ‘Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for in-situ management of Crop Residue in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi’ for the period from 2018-19 and 2019-20 has been launched.
• Banning of burning of biomass.
• 3 Waste-to-Energy (W-t-E) plants are currently operational in Delhi.
• Notifications of 6 waste management rules covering solid waste, plastic waste, e-waste, bio-medical waste, C&D waste and hazardous wastes issued in 2016.
• Notifications regarding dust mitigation measures for construction and demolition activities.
• Advisory issued to implementing agencies and State Boards in Delhi NCR regarding use of dust suppressant.

Public Outreach
• Ministry is promoting peoples participation and awareness building among citizens for environmental conservation through Green Good Deeds that focus on promotion of cycling, saving water and electricity, growing trees, proper maintenance of vehicles, following of lane discipline and reducing congestion on roads by car pooling etc.
• Development of mechanism for redressal of public complaints regarding air pollution issues in Delhi and NCR (through ‘Sameer App’, ‘Emails’([email protected]) and ‘Social Media Networks’ (Facebook and Twitter) etc.


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