(a) the guidelines/norms laid down for identifying people living below poverty line and the time since these guidelines/norms are in existence;

(b) whether there is any proposal to revise such norms in the near future; and

(c) the number of persons living below poverty line in the country as on date, State- wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Planning Commission estimates poverty based on per capita consumption expenditure needed to attain a minimum calorie intake out of food consumption along with a minimum amount of non-food expenditure in order to meet the requirements of clothing, shelter, transport etc. The per capita consumption norm has been fixed at Rs. 49.09 per month in rural areas and Rs. 56.64 per month in urban areas at 1973- 74 prices at national level corresponding to a basket of goods and services anchored on a norm of per capita daily calorie requirement of 2400 kcal in rural areas and 2100 kcal in urban areas. The National poverty line at 1999-2000 prices is Rs 327.56 per capita per month in rural areas and Rs. 454.11 per capita per month in urban areas. The state-specific poverty lines are derived from the national level poverty lines, using state-specific price indices and inter-state price differentials, according to the Expert Group Methodology.

(b) No, Sir.

( c) The number of persons living below poverty line, State-wise as estimated by the Planning Commission is at Annexure-I

Annexure referred in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 768 due for answer on 4.3.2005
No. of persons living Below Poverty Line in 1999-2000, State-wise
(As per Planning Commission Estimates)

Sl. States Rural Urban Combined
No. No. of No. of No. of
Persons Persons Persons

(Lakhs) (Lakhs) (Lakhs) 1 2 3 4 5 1Andhra Pradesh 58.13 60.88 119.01 2Arunachal Pradesh 3.80 0.18 3.98 3Assam 92.17 2.38 94.55 4Bihar 376.51 49.13 425.65 5Goa 0.11 0.59 0.70 6Gujarat 39.80 28.09 67.89 7Haryana 11.94 5.39 17.34 8Himachal Pradesh 4.84 0.29 5.12 9J&K 2.97 0.49 3.46 10Karnataka 59.91 44.49 104.40 11Kerala 20.97 20.07 41.04 12Madhya Pradesh 217.32 81.22 298.54 13Maharashtra 125.12 102.87 227.99 14Manipur 6.53 0.66 7.19 15Meghalaya 7.89 0.34 8.23 16Mizoram 1.40 0.45 1.85 17Nagaland 5.21 0.28 5.49 18Orissa 143.69 25.40 169.09 19Punjab 10.20 4.29 14.49 20Rajasthan 55.06 26.78 81.83 21Sikkim 2.00 0.04 2.05 22Tamil Nadu 80.51 49.97 130.48 23Tripura 12.53 0.49 13.02 24Uttar Pradesh 412.01 117.88 529.89 25West Bengal 180.11 33.38 213.49 26A & N Island 0.58 0.24 0.82 27Chandigarh 0.06 0.45 0.51 28D & N Haveli 0.30 0.03 0.33 29Daman & Due 0.01 0.05 0.06 30Delhi 0.07 11.42 11.49 31Lakshadweep 0.03 0.08 0.11 32Pondicherry 0.64 1.77 2.41 Total 1932.42 670.07 2602.50