Question : Water-Borne Diseases

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the number of cases of water-borne diseases and attributable casualties reported in the country during each of the last three years and the current year, disease and State/UT-wise;

(b) whether the Government has conducted any survey/study in this regard, if so, the details and the outcome thereof;

(c) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government for prevention, control and treatment of water-borne diseases in the country; and

(d) the funds allocated and utilised for the purpose during the above period, State/ UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): Consumption of contaminated drinking water can cause diseases such as Cholera, Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases, Enteric Fever (Typhoid), Viral Hepatitis etc. As per the data reported by Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), State/UT- wise number of cases and deaths due to Cholera, Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases, Enteric Fever (Typhoid), and Viral Hepatitis during the years 2012-2015 are given at Annexure I.
Provision of safe drinking water is the main strategy to control diseases caused by drinking of contaminated water. Rural water supply is a State subject. Government of India supplements the efforts of the States by providing technical and financial assistance under the centrally sponsored National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) for providing safe and adequate drinking water supply facilities in rural areas of the country. 5% of NRDWP Funds are earmarked for support funds which are allotted to the States on 100% central share for activities such as IEC (Information, Education and Communication) for awareness generation, HRD (Human Resource Development) for capacity building and for MIS (Management Information System). Further, under NRDWP, 3% of funds allocated to the States are earmarked for Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQMS) activities on a 100% Central share basis which, inter alia, includes testing of drinking water sources at the Panchayat level by using simple field test kits, upgrading of existing water quality testing laboratories and setting up of new State/district/sub-district water quality testing laboratories wherever such facility is not available or needed. Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Programme aims at empowering rural communities to manage and keep surveillance on their own drinking water sources.
Further, as informed by Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, an amount of Rs. 10 crore has been earmarked for IEC activities under the Information, Education & Communication component of HRD & Capacity Building Scheme for the year 2015-16.
Government of India also started the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Fluorosis (NPPCF) in the 11th Five Year Plan. So far, 111 districts have been covered under the programme. The important components of the programme are surveillance of fluorosis in the community, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities, capacity building in the form of training and manpower support, establishment of diagnostic facilities, management of fluorosis cases including treatment, surgery, rehabilitation, and health education. Details of the fund released under NPPCF are given in Annexure II.
Further, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Delhi provides technical assistance to State/UT Governments on prevention and control of water-borne diseases in carrying out investigation of outbreaks of such diseases under Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP). At the National level, NCDC also coordinates laboratory support for outbreak investigations, besides conducting regular training courses for development of trained manpower. Details of funds released and expenditure for the last three years and the current year State/UT wise are at Annexure III.
Health System Strengthening support being given to the State Governments under National Health Mission (NHM) also enhances capacity of the Health Institutions, up to the district level, to treat and manage water borne diseases.

State-wise Cases & Deaths Due to Cholera in India 2012 – 2015
Sl No State / U.T. 2012 2013 2014 (Prov.) 2015 (Prov.)
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Reference Period Jan 15 upto
1 Andhra Prad. 109 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 August,15
2 Arun. Prad. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15
3 Assam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15 exc Mar
4 Bihar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October,15
5 Chhattisgarh 13 0 2 0 20 0 46 0 October,15 exc feb
6 Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 July, 15
7 Gujarat 71 0 327 1 159 0 47 0 October,15
8 Haryana 16 0 16 0 7 0 0 0 October,15
9 Himachal Prd. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15
10 J & K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October,15
11 Jharkhand 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 October,15 exc May to July
12 Karnataka 175 0 200 0 86 0 14 2 October,15
13 Kerala 4 1 23 0 3 0 0 0 October,15
14 Madhya Prad. 12 0 8 0 17 0 80 0 Oct,15 exc June, Aug, Sep
15 Maharashtra 317 0 293 1 252 2 2416 0 October,15 exc Mar
16 Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15
17 Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 June, 15
18 Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 October,15
19 Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October,15
20 Odisha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October,15
21 Punjab 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 October,15
22 Rajasthan 0 0 5 0 56 0 3 0 Oct,15 exc May, Aug, Sep
23 Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15
24 Tamil Nadu 523 0 42 3 10 0 15 0 October,15
25 Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15 exc Apr
26 Uttarakhand 0 0 1 0 12 0 0 0 September,15
27 Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0 0 21 0 41 0 October,15
28 West Bengal 181 0 120 0 173 0 84 0 October,15 exc Jul, Aug
29 A & N Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 August,15 exc Feb, May
30 Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 15 1 1 0 August,15 exc Aug
31 D & N Haveli 33 0 25 0 28 1 295 1 October, 15 exc Aug
32 Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October,15 exc Mar, Apr
33 Delhi 111 0 25 0 51 0 34 0 August,15
34 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September,15
35 Puducherry 15 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 September,15
Total 1583 1 1130 5 969 5 3102 3

Note :
1. 2014 & 2015 : Andhra Pradesh Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July 2014 Onwards.
2. 2014: Data for Assam till September
3. 2014 : Data from Meghalaya and Uttat Pradesh does not contains for October
4. 2014 : Data from Tripura does not contains for November

State-wise Cases and Deaths due to ADD reported during 2012 – 2015

Sl. No. State / U.T. 2012 2013 2014 (Prov.) 2015 (Prov.)
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Reference Period Jan 15 upto
1 Andhra Prad. 2092340 100 1855496 110 1336690 10 740297 2 August,15
2 Arun. Prad. 44570 7 30756 3 12657 5 6589 3 September,15
3 Assam 134295 147 105876 147 58587 64 96429 82 September,15
4 Bihar 493559 8 550281 24 550038 24 302255 21 October,15 exc May
5 Chhattisgarh 108238 26 104966 37 112888 32 105678 12 October,15
6 Goa 13696 1 16485 0 16039 4 8530 1 July, 15
7 Gujarat 410508 7 427523 8 504857 3 426309 3 October,15
8 Haryana 215111 27 168527 27 197898 8 143169 4 October,15
9 Himachal Prad. 338708 58 349904 56 350459 52 264897 31 September,15
10 J & K 550645 2 591231 1 515013 0 397080 2 October,15
11 Jharkhand 72170 6 81045 4 79430 28 39982 0 October,15
12 Karnataka 582347 84 545794 81 819777 23 651636 13 October,15
13 Kerala 360743 10 372440 12 402106 9 342206 0 October,15
14 Madhya Prad. 488743 91 535012 89 768021 112 525686 65 October,15
15 Maharashtra 457001 1 527115 0 646380 4 529288 13 October,15
16 Manipur 27469 56 25333 37 29954 32 19590 11 October,15
17 Meghalaya 201819 19 186023 12 183631 27 75641 20 September,15
18 Mizoram 15957 7 13518 12 14201 10 11631 8 June, 15
19 Nagaland 20939 0 21672 0 21783 0 10477 0 October,15
20 Orissa 743493 235 656838 217 750262 169 481627 40 October,15
21 Punjab 197059 27 183533 13 170438 22 129184 32 October,15
22 Rajasthan 508512 12 545293 18 676832 17 576155 6 October,15
23 Sikkim 53516 0 42410 1 37275 2 14254 0 October,15
24 Tamil Nadu 199930 17 278701 23 259452 14 242507 8 August, 15
25 Tripura 98417 22 92826 17 79216 22 50769 2 October,15
26 Uttarakhand 101927 21 84792 12 90428 14 82785 4 September,15
27 Uttar Pradesh 740328 254 828367 272 745457 301 557006 241 September,15
28 West Bengal 2033180 280 1830310 302 1896182 200 1320277 129 October,15
29 A & N Islands 33513 3 29391 0 23947 2 10585 0 October,15
30 Chandigarh 38218 0 44664 2 39277 29 28717 72 August,15 exc Feb, May
31 D & N Haveli 74007 0 62259 0 63337 0 37758 4 August,15
32 Daman & Diu 12559 0 8615 2 12831 0 10544 1 October, 15 exc Aug
33 Delhi 136567 98 129367 62 113677 73 107598 59 October,15 exc Mar, Apr
34 Lakshadweep 5461 0 7496 0 6750 0 3385 0 August,15
35 Puducherry 96210 21 79751 28 87248 11 67129 0 September,15
Total 11701755 1647 11413610 1629 11673018 1323 8417650 889 September,15
Source: National Health Profile brought out by CBHI, DGHS
Note : Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July Onwards.
Note :
1. 2014 & 2015 : Andhra Pradesh Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July 2014 Onwards.
2. 2014: Data for Assam till September
3. 2014 : Data from Meghalaya does not contains for October
State-wise Cases and Deaths due to Viral Hepatitis (All Causes) reported during 2012 – 2015
Sl. No. State / U.T. 2012 2013 2014 (Prov.) 2015 (Prov.)
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Reference Periodm Jan 15 up to
1 Andhra Prad. 7955 84 8739 34 3716 1 1867 6 August,15
2 Arun. Prad. 1520 4 588 0 378 6 218 1 September,15
3 Assam 419 0 466 0 1994 13 456 7 September,15
4 Bihar 3094 2 6736 2 20670 3 20361 2 October,15
5 Chhattisgarh 914 5 670 5 533 4 437 5 October,15
6 Goa 92 0 173 0 182 0 102 0 July, 15
7 Gujarat 4763 6 3676 6 4808 7 2870 0 October,15
8 Haryana 2686 1 1307 1 2717 4 4076 2 October,15
9 HP 1310 17 2023 14 2808 9 1440 0 September,15
10 J & K 5967 0 6307 0 5110 0 3172 0 October,15
11 Jharkhand 983 0 1444 65 972 20 457 1 October,15
12 Karnataka 10789 26 5415 16 6613 9 5001 16 October,15
13 Kerala 8212 18 7034 8 5567 4 2961 2 October,15
14 Madhya Prad. 12325 4 14055 11 16141 18 8802 14 October,15
15 Maharashtra 6175 21 5851 13 5985 13 5776 6 October,15
16 Manipur 229 4 258 0 443 0 68 0 September,15
17 Meghalaya 221 1 518 0 609 0 253 0 June, 15
18 Mizoram 914 15 419 10 194 0 155 3 October,15
19 Nagaland 284 0 119 0 88 0 27 0 October,15
20 Orissa 5372 100 3743 90 4910 38 3040 9 October,15
21 Punjab 3323 0 3099 6 4525 4 7551 7 October,15
22 Rajasthan 1595 7 2384 10 9719 3 2194 0 October,15
23 Sikkim 667 6 692 1 554 0 18 0 September,15
24 Tamil Nadu 10628 0 1868 0 2671 0 858 0 October,15
25 Tripura 272 2 205 1 177 1 85 1 September,15
26 Uttarakhand 6499 16 8619 11 9243 9 7529 12 September,15
27 Uttar Pradesh 6345 12 9079 17 16026 50 8783 47 October,15
28 West Bengal 4097 102 4967 91 4444 63 2951 54 October,15
29 A & N Islands 172 9 231 11 262 9 37 1 August,15 exc Feb, May
30 Chandigarh 1751 0 424 1 766 21 862 24 August,15
31 D & N Haveli 159 0 90 2 32 0 43 4 October, 15 exc Aug
32 Daman & Diu 192 4 184 7 65 0 51 1 October,15 exc Mar, Apr
33 Delhi 8184 66 8290 131 6425 95 4872 48 August,15
34 Lakshadweep 17 0 5 0 16 0 4 0 September,15
35 Puducherry 755 19 447 10 299 3 435 2 September,15
Total 118880 551 110125 574 139662 407 97812 275
Source: National Health Profile brought out by CBHI, DGHS
Note :
1. 2014 & 2015 : Andhra Pradesh Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July 2014 Onwards.
2. 2014: Data for Assam till September
3. 2014 : Data from Meghalaya does not contains for October

State-wise Cases and Deaths due to Enteric Fever (Typhoid) reported during 2012– 2015
Sl. No. State / U.T. 2012 2013 2014 (Prov.) 2015 (Prov.)
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Reference Period Jan 15 upto
1 Andhra Prad. 279816 37 256458 6 186446 5 87150 0 August,15
2 Arun. Prad. 11821 10 7359 4 4512 3 3042 6 September,15
3 Assam 12016 10 6521 0 4233 29 15122 2 September,15
4 Bihar 142341 3 261791 2 273007 4 191861 1 October,15
5 Chhattisgarh 54417 6 27457 2 32438 0 41925 1 October,15
6 Goa 290 0 355 0 573 0 987 1 July, 15
7 Gujarat 24325 0 22962 1 29505 0 23204 1 October,15
8 Haryana 34427 1 27115 0 29990 1 23612 0 October,15
9 Him. Prad. 40041 3 37128 2 48786 6 32301 4 September,15
10 J & K 68157 0 70859 0 57537 1 43304 0 October,15
11 Jharkhand 19624 39 24806 7 34355 7 15129 3 October,15
12 Karnataka 55163 1 61485 9 90318 1 64566 1 October,15
13 Kerala 4670 1 4325 3 2269 0 2455 0 October,15
14 Madhya Prad. 68280 29 114578 28 155197 31 87212 4 October,15
15 Maharashtra 71094 2 81458 1 96927 0 85549 0 October,15
16 Manipur 13731 5 10927 17 10636 10 3643 0 September,15
17 Meghalaya 6916 10 9134 1 8996 8 3665 0 June, 15
18 Mizoram 2062 1 2765 3 2758 4 2169 0 October,15
19 Nagaland 10437 0 12736 0 11192 0 5531 0 October,15
20 Orissa 73087 89 60337 56 87568 38 56114 21 October,15
21 Punjab 42536 4 35136 5 34651 1 24225 1 October,15
22 Rajasthan 27018 4 65331 5 83540 4 80743 0 October,15
23 Sikkim 401 0 186 0 716 0 125 0 September,15
24 Tamil Nadu 34611 0 31440 1 26181 0 29926 0 October,15
25 Tripura 6198 3 12849 1 14861 0 1902 1 September,15
26 Uttarakhand 28698 4 25956 0 28939 14 23687 10 September,15
27 Uttar Pradesh 143516 65 224748 161 224976 203 189480 183 October,15
28 West Bengal 143179 29 108695 39 90086 42 81022 18 October,15
29 A & N Islands 1340 1 1501 3 881 0 371 0 August,15 exc Feb, May
30 Chandigarh 3023 0 3251 0 6021 0 5085 27 August,15
31 D & N Haveli 2559 0 4323 0 2439 0 1089 0 October, 15 exc Aug
32 Daman & Diu 1265 0 888 0 167 0 106 0 October,15 exc Mar, Apr
33 Delhi 47957 71 32691 29 25131 14 13279 11 August,15
34 Lakshadweep 5 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 September,15
35 Puducherry 2678 0 2591 1 1477 3 1317 0 September,15
Total 1477699 428 1650145 387 1707312 429 1240904 296
Source: National Health Profile brought out by CBHI, DGHS
Note : Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July Onwards.
Note :
1. 2014 & 2015 : Andhra Pradesh Excludes data of 10 districts of Telangana from July 2014 Onwards.
2. 2014: Data for Assam till September
3. 2014 : Data from Meghalaya does not contains for October

Annexure II
Districts under National Progrmme for Prevention and control of Fluorosis (NPPCF)

(Rs. In Lakhs)
S.No. State with total districts No. of districts under
NPPCF Districts under NPPCF
Fund Released


1. Andhra Pradesh 3 Nellore, Guntur, Prakasam 132.16 63.00
2 Telangana 3 Mehboobnagar, Nalgonda, Karimnagar 146.92 108.76
3. Assam 3 Nagaon, Kamrup,. Karbi Anglong 137.95 137.95
Bihar 10 Nawada, Banka, Aurangabad, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Jammui, Nalanda, Shekhpura, Kaimur Munger 403.90 34.24
5. Chhattisgarh 2 Durg, Kanker 54.50 17.728
6 Gujarat 4 Jamnagar, Sabarkantha, Vododara, Banaskantha 126.06 33.28
Haryana 2 Mehendragarh, Mewat
84.20 44.03
8 Jharkhand 4 Palamu, Garhwa, Chatra, Hazaribagh 151.30 37.82
9 Jammu & Kashmir 1 Doda 22.50 -
10 Karnataka 18 Ballari, Mysore, Chikballalpur, Koppal, Davangere, Tumkur, Bagalkote, Bangalore(U), Bijapur, Raichur,
Chitradurga, Gadag, Gulbarga, Hassan, Kolar, Mandia, Ramanagara, Shimoga 759.66 444.59
11 Kerala 2 Palakkad, Alapuzha 82.93 54.35

Madhya Pradesh 14 Ujjain,Chindwada, Mandla, Dhar, Seoni, Betul, Jhabua, Raigarh, Sehore, Alirajpur,Dindori, Khargoan, Raisen, Shajapur 604.84 81.44
13 Maharashtra
6 Nanded, Chandrapur, Latur, Washim, Yavatmal, Beed 251.26 64.26
14 Odisha 3 Nayagarh, Angul, Nuapada 115.86 27.13
15 Punjab 2 Sangrur, Firozepur 67.10 39.24
16 Rajasthan
23 Nagaur, Ajmer, Bhilwara,Churu (Ratangarh), Dausa, Dungarpur, Rajsamand, Tonk, Bikaner, Jalore, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Pali, Sikar,Udaipur, Swaimadhopur, Banswara, Karauli, Chittaurgarh, Ganganagar, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu 798.56 653.02
17 Tamil Nadu 1 Dharmapuri 58.89 58.63
18. Uttar Pradesh 5 Unnao, Rae Bareli, Pratapgarh, Firozabad, Mathura 195.11 89.73
19 West Bengal 5 Bankura, Purlia,. Birbhum, D. Dinajpur, Maldha 221.40 183.12
TOTAL 111 4415.10 2172.318

Annexure III
As on 05.11.2015
Sl. No. States/UTs GIA Released to States Expenditure
2012 - 13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2012 - 13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1 Andhra Pradesh 104.29 198.31 122.48 181.84 229.84 167.45 40.37
2 Gujarat 205.4 270 400 243.75 311.27 490.55 509.78 64.44
3 Karnataka 214.22 124 270.5 180 214.65 298.58 367.91 175.35
4 Maharashtra 100 183.5 280 210.43 210.2 195.21 55.01
5 Punjab 198.96 120.2 168.75 115 173.2 223.18 282.1 124.93
6 Rajasthan 231.77 195.32 325 225 214.92 293.04 471.03 121.25
7 Tamil Nadu 60 98.26 325 213.75 143.29 287.2 350.6 156.87
8 Uttarakhand 90.87 60.93 45 115.33 160.97 177.72 26.54
9 West Bengal 151.67 120.11 250 100 200.83 221.81 181.73 44.91
10 Andaman & Nic. Islands 19.87 9 5.25 11.27 6.43 6.06 3.31
11 Bihar 147.35 164.69 200 167.56 190.84 200.94 11.5
12 Chandigarh 7.03 19.92 40 23.25 14.66 28.31 30.53 18
13 Chhattisgarh 96.74 29.67 60 100 65.86 89.49 130.22 20.88
14 Dadra & N. Haveli 22.36 21 13.5 15.04033 23.96 27.79 18.38
15 Daman & Diu 31.32 6.01 22.5 15.59 31.41 24.7433 9.11
16 Delhi 34.9 56.25 63.75 33.22 56.51 90.6 36.28
17 Goa 18.02 28.23 45 20 21.94 33.62 43.78 21.35
18 Haryana 220.35 71.32 150 135 134 169.1 181.25
19 Himachal Pradesh 28.34 73.06 70 52.5 46.56 56.98 63.2 10.67
20 J&K 50 82.22 127.5 150 94.71 119.09 129.72 11.79
21 Jharkhand 119.25 112.5 100 91.05 137.49 157.54 23.01
22 Kerala 23.84 106.21 101.25 112.5 106.44 147.61 131.19 47.7
23 Lakshadweep 1.13 0.82 3.13 0.39
24 Madhya Pr. 120.65 246.51 350 225 245.12 340.66 359.59 167.53
25 Orissa 118.3 92.72 350 150 146.48 247.08 310.14
26 Puducherry 30 43.6 70 48.75 45.17 60.07 61.26 28.76
27 Uttar Pradesh 203.88 300 225 344.89 178.35 478.01
28 Telangana 0 0 87.53 93.75 0 0 98.23 71.73
29 Arunachal Pr. 94.21 181.69 152.24 107.87 201.23 131.03 114.84
30 Assam 170.41 129.91 206.25 262.5 176.92 220.37 296.54 63.72
31 Manipur 42.6 25.69 96.25 50 55.26 41.88 84.07 4.95
32 Meghalaya 59.54 20.25 45 50 34.01 56.96 47.84
33 Mizoram 36.53 70.44 97.5 75 66.01 84.07 80.23 13.44
34 Nagaland 60.3 115.84 120 112.5 113.47 127.01 112.57 38.89
35 Sikkim 20.87 30 50 30 28.81 38.12 48.42 9.61
36 Tripura 15.32 50 30 16.38 23.61 44.94 7.12
Grand Total 2702.26 3349.5 5160.01 3228.25 3965.18033 5126.44 6077.0933 1562.63

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