Question : Details of Various Schemes

(a) the details of the schemes launched by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports since the year 2014 till date along with the details of the targets set and achieved thereunder, year-wise;

(b) the details of the proposals received from various States/UTs along with the proposals approved by the Ministry under these schemes during the said period, State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of the funds allocated and utilized for implementation of various schemes under the Ministry during the said period, State/UT/year-wise; and

(d) whether the Government has set any time-limit for completion/ implementation of pending schemes and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b):

Department of Youth Affairs:

In pursuance to the 2014-15 Budget announcement, a new Central Sector Scheme, namely, ‘National Young Leaders Programme (NYLP)’ was formulated with a view to develop leadership qualities among the youth to enable them to realize their full potential and in the process, to contribute to the nation-building process. After obtaining necessary
approvals, the Scheme was launched in December, 2014. The National Young Leaders Programme is a Central Sector Scheme. The Scheme has the following five components:
1. Neighbourhood Youth Parliament (NYP).
2. Youth for Development Programme (YFDP).
3. National Young Leaders Awards (NYLA).
4. National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC).
5. National Youth Development Fund (NYDF)

The year-wise achievement of the National Young Leaders Programme/Scheme are at Annexure I.

Department of Sports :

Details of the schemes launched by Department of Sports since the year 2014 is given at Annexure-II.

Sports is a State subject. Promotion and development of sports is primarily the responsibility of the State Governments and National Sports Federations (NSFs) concerned. The Central Government complements / supplements the efforts of the States in this regard. The sports Infrastructure projects under above schemes are demanddriven and proposals, as and when received from States, if complete in all respects are sanctioned subject to technical feasibility and availability of funds. Therefore, no state-wise fund allocation is made under these schemes. State/UT-wise details of sports infrastructure projects sanctioned under RGKA and Khelo India schemes are given at Annexure – III.

(c) The Schemes/Programmes of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports are being implemented for encouragement and development of youth and sports in the country as a whole. Hence, the funds are not allocated state-wise. The details of the funds allocated and utilized for implementation of various schemes under the Department of Youth Affairs and Department of Sports during the said period, are at
Annexure-IV and V respectively:

(d) No Scheme of the Department of Youth Affairs is pending. In so far as the Department of Sports, the completion of construction of main campus of National Sports University may take around 2 years. The completion of NCSSR and NCSC is set from 2017-18 to 2019-20. The rest of the schemes are ongoing schemes whose implementation is a continuous process and regarding the approved projects the time for completion of the projects totally depends upon the concerned beneficiary.

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