(a) the details of steps taken by the Council for Advancement of People`s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) for improving the quality of life of rural people; and

(b) the achievements made in this regard during the Tenth Plan period, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b)A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement as referred to in reply to part (a) and (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.292 dated 10th March, 2006

(a) While the Ministry of Rural Development engages itself in improving the general quality of life of Rural Poor, the mandate of Council for Advancement of People`s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) is to encourage, promote and assist voluntary action and inject new technological inputs in the implementation of the rural development projects with particular emphasis on people living Below Poverty Line (BPL), SC, ST and other disadvantaged sections of the society for improving the quality of life of rural people.

CAPART provided funds to voluntary organizations under the following schemes upto 1998-1999: -

i) Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP),

ii) Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP),

iii) Advancement of Rural Technology Scheme (ARTS),

iv) Public Cooperation (PC),

v) Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP),

vi) Social Forestry (SF) and

vii) Disability.

These schemes were revised and streamlined in 1999-2000 into the following 5 schemes: -

i) Public Cooperation (PC)

ii) Advancement of Rural Technology Scheme (ARTS)

iii) Organisation of Beneficiaries (OB),

iv) Watershed Development and

v) Disability.

CAPART also supports NGOs for Gramshree Melas, sponsors significant rural events, workshops and seminars. In addition CAPART implements a Young Professionals Scheme under which post graduates from various fields relating to rural development are recruited from reputed institutions for a period of 3 years. The main objective of the scheme is to promote professionalism in the field of rural development.

(b) During the Tenth Plan period commencing from 2002-2003, CAPART has sanctioned 3458 projects involving Rs.218.90 crores. The state-wise and year-wise number of projects sanctioned and amount sanctioned by CAPART during the Tenth Plan Period upto February, 2006 are given at Annexure-I. The number of beneficiaries covered under these projects is 16.41 lakhs. CAPART has organized 109 Gramshree Melas during the above period. The state-wise number of melas organized is given at Annexure-II. The recruitment of 443 Young Professionals (YPs) was done during the period out of which 383 YPs were trained under CAPART.


Statement referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.292 for reply on 10th March, 2006.

State wise No. of Gram Shree Mela organized during the 10th Five Year Plan

Sl. No.	Name of State/UTs	No. of Melas
1 Andhra Pradesh 10 2 Arunachal Pradesh - 3 Assam 8 4 Bihar 7 5 Chhattisgarh 2 6 Delhi - 7 Goa 3 8 Himachal Pradesh 6 9 Haryana 4 10 Jharkhand 2 11 J&K 6 12 Kerala 6 13 Karnatka 6 14 Madhya Pradesh 1 15 Maharashtra 9 16 Manipur 1 17 Mizoram 1 18 Meghalaya - 19 Nagaland 1 20 Orissa 7 21 Punjab 3 22 Rajasthan 2 23 Tripura 1 24 Tamilnadu 2 25 Utter Pradesh 7 26 Uttaranchal 4 27 West Bengal 1 28 Sikkim 2 29 Chandigarh 2 30 Lakshdweep - 31 Gujarat 5 Total 109


Statement referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.292 for reply on 10th March, 2006.
(Amount Rs. in Crores)
Sl.	Name of the 2002-03	2003-04	2004-05	2005-06
No.	State/UTs	(till Feb.2006)	No. of	Amount	No. of	Amount	No. of	Amount	No. of	Amount	proj-	sanct-	proj-	sanct-	proj-	sanct-	proj-	sanct-	ects	ioned	ects	ioned	ects	ioned	ects	ioned	sanct-	sanct-	sanct-	sanct-	ioned	ioned	ioned	ioned
1. Andhra Pradesh 112 8.64 103 8.08 91 6.60 77 4.78 2. Assam 17 0.47 24 0.58 18 1.01 10 0.37 3. Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 2 0.04 2 0.06 0 0 4. Bihar 134 10.20 187 14.19 11 1.75 15 0.61 5. Chhatishgarh 3 0.22 1 0.11 7 0.34 5 0.09 6. Chandigarh 1 2.34 4 0.24 0 0 0 0 7. Delhi 17 1.32 23 1.43 4 0.87 1 0.18 8. Gujarat 18 1.81 44 3.61 13 1.87 49 3.11 9. Haryana 82 5.17 60 5.16 30 1.23 51 2.99 10. Himachal Pradesh 20 1.24 27 2.43 33 2.07 9 0.84 11. J & K 13 1.51 18 0.86 13 0.43 11 0.51 12. Jharkhand 16 0.76 18 2.53 1 0.01 2 0.0 13. Karnataka 44 1.57 82 4.07 86 2.49 57 2.65 14. Kerala 29 1.29 58 2.38 50 2.43 48 2.30 15. Madhya Pradesh 14 1.34 20 1.72 19 1.53 20 0.56 16. Maharashtra 31 3.05 73 7.84 23 4.92 11 0.28 17. Manipur 24 0.82 17 0.76 40 1.37 15 0.58 18. Meghalaya 1 0.02 1 0.06 0 0 1 0.01 19. Mizoram 1 0.09 5 0.14 3 0.05 3 0.06 20. Nagaland 3 0.01 5 0.17 4 0.09 7 0.40 21. Orissa 59 2.31 55 3.75 30 1.39 45 1.79 22 Punjab 11 0.74 6 0.40 11 0.44 2 0.09 23. Rajasthan 31 2.49 50 4.85 27 0.73 35 1.29 24. Sikkim 0 0 1 0.01 0 0 0 0 25. Tamil Nadu 55 3.44 44 2.97 46 2.49 8 0.33 26. Tripura 6 0.09 4 0.10 2 0.11 3 0.05 27. Uttar Pradesh 133 5.46 263 14.14 32 1.99 40 1.57 28. Uttranchal 25 1.68 41 3.19 12 1.18 7 0.36 29. West Bengal 58 3.55 60 4.68 35 2.24 26 1.09 30. Goa 1 0.006 0 0 0 0 0 0 31. Pondicherry 2 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 961 61.77 1296 90.49 643 39.69 558 26.95