(a) whether Government has a proposal to promote mulberry farming;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to promote the interest of the mulberry farmers?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir.

(b)&(c) Details of important steps taken for the development of mulberry sericulture in different States are as under:

1. Catalytic Development Programme:

The Central Silk Board (CSB) is implementing the Catalytic Development Programme during X Plan in collaboration with different State Governments. Under the Catalytic Development Programme a provision of Rs.181.00 crores has been made for providing assistance to sericulturists in the form of subsidy/incentive to encourage them to adopt improved technology aiming towards improvement in quality and productivity. During the last three years i.e. 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05, CSB has released/spent Rs.43.87 crores, Rs.39.23 crores and Rs.48.44 crores to different States for the development of sericulture. The state-wise details of release of funds are furnished in Annexure-I.

2. State Specific Projects:

Following projects are under implementation in different States for the development of mulberry sericulture:

i.	Cluster Development Project in Kerala, Bihar, Mizoram and Maharashtra;
ii.	Bivoltine Sericulture Technology Development Project with the assistance of Japanese	International Co-operation Agency in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu;
iii.	Manipur Sericulture Project with the assistance of Japanese Bank for International Cooperation;
iv.	Special Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) for the development of mulberry in Mizoram; and
v.	Micro projects for the development of mulberry sericulture in Uttaranchal.

Status of mulberry silk produced in different states during the year 2003-04 and 20004-05 is given at Annexure-II.


Statement referred to in reply to parts (b) & (c) of LSUQ No.2558 for 9.12.05

Funds released under Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) during last three years ie 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05.

Lakh Rs
    2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Sl State   No   Fund Fund Fund     Rel. Rel. Released
1 Karnataka 1506.05 764.24 825.38 2 Tamilnadu 62.32 152.33 166.58 3 Jammu & Kashmir 260.14 313.61 262.84 4 Andhra Pradesh 1505.86 878.68 1203.59 5 West Bengal 65.41 48.47 112.63 6 Maharashtra 92.22 104.48 50.80 7 Madhya Pradesh 52.59 74.92 79.63 8 Orissa 50.62 82.29 24.32 9 Bihar 106.27 38.30 88.99 10 Uttar pradesh 22.86 52.91 92.05 11 Kerala 38.49 82.30 106.32 12 Punjab 0.00 0.00 0.39 13 Himachal Pr. 1.45 349.62 308.41 14 Chattisgarh 12.13 125.23 156.35 15 Jharkhand 103.35 83.77   16 Uttaranchal 213.41 112.30 117.43 17 Sikkim 15.16 16.45 43.27 18 Assam 119.03 315.28 442.21 19 Arunachal Pr. 2.62 48.79 88.63 20 Manipur 0.05 24.00 67.24 21 Meghalaya 33.11 87.39 173.19 22 Mizoram 84.49 106.97 141.71 23 Nagaland 2.49 32.31 106.45 24 Tripura 36.56 28.01 185.73
  Total 4386.68 3922.65 4844.14

Statement referred to in reply to parts (b)&(c) of LSUQ No.2558 for 9.12.05
STATE Mulberry Production (M.T.)
2003-04 2004-05
Andhra Pradesh 6054.00 5084.00 Jammu & Kashmir 85.00 90.00 Karnataka 5949.00 7301.90 Tamil Nadu 285.00 443.00 West Bengal 1453.00 1520.09
Sub-total(a) 13826.00 14438.99
Non-Traditional States
Assam 8.00 9.00 Arunachal Pr. - Neg. Bihar 6.00 8.00 Chattisgarh 1.00 2.30 Gujarat No sericulture Himachal Pr. 12.00 12.00 Haryana - - Jharkhand - Neg. Kerala 4.00 8.00 Madhya Pradesh 9.00 14.00 Maharashtra 42.00 37.00 Manipur 27.00 54.00 Mizoram 5.00 5.00 Meghalaya 2.00 2.50 Nagaland - 0.50 Orissa 2.00 2.00 Punjab 4.00 4.00 Rajasthan - 0.30 Sikkim - - Tripura 4.00 4.00 Uttaranchal 9.00 9.00 Uttar Pradesh 9.00 9.50 Sub-Total(b) 144.00 181.10
Grand-Total(a+b) 13970.00 14620.09