Question : WHO Report on Road Accidents

(a) whether the Govemment has taken cognizance of World Health Organization report which puts
India at the top of the list of the countries where maximum number of road accidents happen
and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the quantum of funds allocated by the Government for creating awzreness about road safety
during the last three years, including Maharashtra and Rajasthan, State-wise;

(c) the details of non-Govemmental agencies included in the programme so far, State-wise;

(d) the initiatives taken by the Government to create awareness among the youth regarding road
safety; and

(e) whether the said initiatives have proved to be successful and ifso, the details thereofl

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Ministry has the data of road accidents on the basis of information from the Police Department of all State/UTs in the prescribed format on calendar year-wise. The latest data of road accidents published by the Ministry are for the calendar year 2017. Details of road accidents in India during the last three calendar years i.e. 2015 to 2017 is given below:-


2015 5,01,423
2016 4,80,652
2017 4,64,910

As per Global status report on road safety 2018 of World Health Organization (WHO) published by them on the based on Road accidents data for 2016, India is one of the leading countries where number of road accidents are higher.

(b) The budget Estimate for the scheme of publicity measures and awareness campaigns for road safety during the last three Financial Years are as under:-

YEARS Budget Estimates (Rs. In crore)

2016-17 50.00
2017-18 75.00
2018-19 80.00

(c) Ministry has launched a scheme for grant of financial assistance to NGOs for administering “Road Safety Advocacy” in the last FY 2017-18. Under this Scheme, proposals for road safety advocacy programmes through 203 different Non-Governmental Organisations(NGOs)/ Trusts/Cooperative Societies have been sanctioned in FY 2017-18. State-wise break up of the same are as under :-

Sl. No. State No. of NGOs to whom Road safety advocacy programme has been sanctioned
1 Karnataka 02
2 Andhra Pradesh 10
3 Assam 03
4 Bihar 18
5 Chhatisgarh 01
6 Jharkhand 03
7 Kerala 01
8 Manipur 01
9 Madhya Prades 19
10 Maharashtra 04
11 Odisha 11
12 Rajasthan 06
13 Uttarakhand 01
14 Uttar Pradesh 108
15 Tamilnadu 02
16 West Bengal 02
17 New Delhi 11
Total 203

(d): The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken various measures for creating awareness on road safety among the citizens including youth. The major initiatives are as under :-

(i) Publicity and awareness campaign on road safety through the electronic and print media.

(ii) Road safety advocacy though NGOs.

(iii) Road Safety Week is observed every calendar year for spreading awareness about safer behavior of road users on National Highways.

(iv) Government has launched a mobile app for highway users i.e. “SukhadYatra 1033” which enables highways users to report potholes and other safety hazards on National Highways including accidents.

(v) Setting up of model driving training institutes in States.

(vi) Road safety activities at colleges/universities.

(vii) Actor Akshay Kumar has been engaged as brand ambassador for Road Safety.

(viii) Video/Audio spots on road safety have been created.

(e) The road safety is on on topmost priority of the Ministry. The Ministry implements various schemes on road safety such as publicity measures and awareness campaign on Road Safety through electronic and print media to create awareness among road users, setting up institutes for driving training institutes, Setting up of inspection and certification centres, Road Safety week, road safety advocacy through NGOs and taken multi-pronged efforts for strengthening automobile safety standards, improving road infrastructure, strengthening enforcement. The data for calendar year 2017 reveals that the number of road accidents was down by 3.3% and the number of injuries by 4.8% in 2017 as compared to 2016.


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