Question : Cold Storage

(a) whether it’s a fact that more than 90% of cold storages are for potatoes; and
(b) if so, the details thereof including categories of cold storages, State wise, including Madhya Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) As per All India Cold Storage Capacity and Technology - Base line Survey (10.12.2014) conducted by M/s Hansa Research Group, commissioned by National Horticulture Board (NHB) under Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, 75% of the total cold storage capacity in the country was used for the purpose of storage of horticulture crops including potato. Out of total production of potatoes in the country, 75% was stored in cold storages for long term storage at farm gate. Further, 95% of cold storages in the country were owned by private sector, 3% by cooperatives and remaining 2% were under Public Sector Undertakings.
As per the information available as on 31.03.2017, there were 7645 cold storages with a capacity of 34.95 million MT in the country. The State wise and agencies wise details including Madhya Pradesh are at Annexure.

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