(a) whether the accidents in Gold mines are increasing every year;

(b) if so, the number of accidents took place during each of the last three years;

(c) whether the Government have taken measures to check such accidents in the said mines;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps being taken to modernise the Gold mines?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The following trend of accidents in Gold Mines during the last three years indicates that there has been no increase in accidents:

Year	Number of Accidents
1997 86 1998 79 1999 61
(c) & (d): Detailed Safety measures are given in the Mines Act, 1952 and the rules and regulations framed thereunder. The safety laws are reviewed and amended from time to time. The Directorate General of mines Safety issues guidelines in the form of circulars to the managements for improving safety measures in the mines. These safety provisions are required to be complied with by the mine management. The officers of the Directorate General of Mines Safety inspect the mines periodically to oversee the status of compliance with the safety provisions, and to take action as provided for under the Mines Act, 1952 in case of default.

Besides the legislative measures, the Government is promoting a number of other initiatives, such as:-
(a) Conference on safety in mines.	(b) Self-regulation by managements.	(c) Workers` participation in safety management.	(d) Tripartite and Bipartite reviews at various levels.	(e) Training of work persons	(f) observance of safety weeks and safety compaigns etc.	(g) National Safety Awards.
(e): In the Central Sector there is only one Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) namley, Bharat Gold Mines Ltd. (BGML), with headquarters at Kolar Gold Fields. This being a sick unit was referred to BIFR in 1992. BIFR has passed final orders on 12.06.2000 recommending its winding up. In the circumstances the question of taking any step for modernisation of BGML does not arise.