(a) whether to maintain ecological balance forests on one third of the total land is a must;

(b) if so, the area of land on which afforestation is required as per the recent estimates;

(c) whether this land has been identified;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government have formulated any scheme for this purpose; and

(f) if so, the details thereof, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Yes, Sir. The concept of proportion of forests to the total land area was introduced in the National Forest Policy, 1952. While formulating the policy in 1952, the proportion of forest area in European countries as well as whole World was studied. Europe had 41.35% and World had 27.6% of total area under forests. It was taken a view that in India, where we have to reckon with an oppressive tropical sun, desiccating hot winds, periodic mansoons, steep mountain slopes etc., a proportion higher than that of Europe appear to be required but on practical considerations, the policy aimed to put 33.3% of country`s area under forest and tree cover. The same goal has been adopted in the National Forest Policy of 1988.

(b)to(f) Government has prepared a National Forestry Action Programme, a comprehensive plan of 20 years for sustainable development of forests and to bring one third area of the country under forest and tree cover. The programme stipulates total regeneration/plantation of 60 million hectare (regeneration of 31 million hectare degraded forests and plantation of 29 million ha. non-forest lands) in twenty years against the total cost of Rs. 1339027.8 million to put one-third area of the country under forest and tree cover. The non-forest land required to be planted have been identified on the basis of available land use data. Out of 60 million ha., States have identified 48.23 million ha degraded forests as well as non-forest lands. Balance area will be covered by the private plantation under agro-forestry. State-wise forest/land to be regenerated/planted and funds required are given in the enclosed annexure.