Question : STATUS OF PMGSY .

(a) the details of physical and financial status of construction of roads under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise and year-wise.

(b) the details of the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) received for approval under PMGSY-II, State /UT-wise, including Sikkim;

(c) whether the Government has reviewed the progress of PMGSY in various States and it has come to the notice that a number of projects are lying pending especially in naxal affected areas, if so, the details of such projects, State/UT-wise and the action taken in this regard;

(d) the details of proposals received and sanctioned under PMGSY during the last three years and the current year, State/UT and year-wise, and

(e) the details of villages connected and yet to be connected by road, State /UT- wise and the steps taken by the Government to implement the scheme effectively?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a special intervention of Government of India which envisages connecting all eligible unconnected habitations by way of a single all-weather road as per Core Network in the rural areas with a population of 500 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in plain areas and 250 persons and above (2001 Census) in Special Category States (namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand), Tribal (Schedule-V) areas, the Desert Areas

(as identified in Desert Development Programme) and in Selected Tribal and Backward Districts under Integrated Action Plan (IAP) as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission. State-wise details of physical and financial status of works under PMGSY during the last three years and the current year are given at Annexure-I

(b) The Government of India has launched PMGSY-II which aims to consolidate the existing rural road network and envisages upgradation of overall 50,000 Km road length of existing selected rural roads in all States/Union Territories at an estimated cost of Rs.33,030 Cr. (at 2012-13 prices) during 12th Five Year Plan period. The funding pattern between the Centre and the States is 75:25 for the plain areas and 90:10 basis for the special areas. The proposals under PMGSY- II received in the Ministry are considered by the Inter Ministerial Empowered Committee, constituted by the Ministry of Rural Development and the State Governments are required to communicate their compliance on the observations/recommendations of the Empowered Committee to the Ministry and seek a formal clearance on that basis. The proposal of the State Government which meets the programme requirements are cleared with the approval of the Competent Authority. The proposals received from six States (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh) under PMGSY-II have been considered and recommended by the Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee and the Ministry has cleared projects of 1436 road works covering 11,234.68 Km road length amounting to Rs.6,622.79 Cr. State-wise details of proposals received and sanctioned under PMGSY-II are given at Annexure-II.

(c), (d) & (e) ‘Rural Roads’ is a State subject and as per the programme guidelines, rural roads under PMGSY are executed by the State Governments. The Ministry of Rural Development reviews the implementation of the PMGSY works on a regular basis by way of conducting Regional Review Meetings, Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee Meeting, etc. Some of the major reasons adversely affecting the implementation of PMGSY works, in the States are:
(i) inadequate institutional capacity of States,
(ii) limited contracting capacity,
(iii) limited working season and adverse climatic conditions,
(v) non availability of land and clearance of the land falling in forest areas,
(vi) law and order problem in some parts of the country. The Ministry of Rural Development has taken the following steps to improve implementation of the PMGSY works in the States, including the Left Wing Extremism affected areas:-

i. States have been requested and supported to augment execution capacity and contracting capacity;

ii. Bidding document provisions have been rationalized;

iii. Training is imparted to field engineers and contractors as well as their staff for capacity building on a regular basis;

iv. The following major dispensations have been provided in PMGSY Guidelines in respect of Left Wing Extremism affected areas to improve the pace of the implementation of PMGSY:-

1. The minimum tender package amount is reduced to Rs.50 lacs.

2. The time limit up to 24 calendar months have been allowed for completion of works.

3. Provision for insurance of plant and machinery provided in Detailed Project Report (DPR).

State-wise, year-wise details of proposals received and sanctioned under PMGSY during the last three years and the current year are given at Annexure-III.

The unit for implementation of PMGSY is a habitation and not a revenue village or a panchayat. The implementation of the programme is the responsibility of the State Governments and works are executed through State Rural Roads Development Agencies

(SRRDAs) at the State level and Programme Implementation Units (PIUs) at the district level. Under PMGSY, the State Governments are required to prepare Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and forward them to the Ministry of Rural Development for approval, after due consideration of various aspects given in PMGSY Guidelines, to provide connectivity to the eligible unconnected habitations. Since the inception of PMGSY, out of 1,78,184 eligible habitations as per the Core Network, the Ministry has so far cleared 1,45,012 habitations for providing road connectivity, out of which 1,06,206 habitations have been connected, as reported by the States/UTs (upto January, 2015). The State Governments submit the proposals for connectivity to the balance unconnected habitations based on their execution capacity and the works in hand, in accordance with the PMGSY guidelines. State-wise details of habitation connectivity achieved are given at Annexure-IV.

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