Question : Partnership with Private Sector

(a) the details of the rail services being operated in partnership with the private sector along with the other services under consideration for such partnership, zone-wise;

(b) the amount of income likely to be earned by the Railways as a result thereof, zone-wise;

(c) whether such partnerships are likely to enhance the savings and reduce the number of employees in the Railways; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): Container services offered by licensed private players and Automobile Freight Trains are operated by Indian Railways. Such services are operated across Zonal Railways as per the requirement and terms of license. The income earned from Container Train Operation in 2015-16 was ? 5483.41 crore and that from Automobile Freight Train Operation was ? 57.97 crore.

Policy instructions exist for operation and maintenance of retiring rooms at stations through private licensees on payment of annual licence fees. Public toilets at more than 850 railway stations have been brought under the ‘Pay & Use’ scheme with the participation of private sector. Instructions have been issued for operation of passenger ticketing terminals through authorised agents on fixed licences and commission sharing basis, under the Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendra (YTSK) scheme. The main objective of these initiatives is provision of service and realisation of revenue is incidental. The revenue from these schemes for all Zonal Railways has not been assessed.

(c) & (d): Such partnerships encourage investments and result in better services to users and have no direct impact on number of employees.


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