(a) to (b): As per the information provided by State Government of Tamil Nadu licences/leases have been granted to both central/ State owned PSUs and private companies for quarrying of Mineral sand like Silica sand, Heavy Mineral sand and river sand. No mining leases were granted for semiprecious stone like Garnet, Amethyst and Beryl in the State of Tamil Nadu so far. With regard to Silica sand, the State Government have granted mining leases for state owned PSU viz., TAMIN and private companies/ individuals for quarrying Silica sand in the state. In respect of Heavy Mineral Sand, the State Government have granted mining leases for both Government of India owned PSU viz. IREL and private companies/Individuals for mining Garnet sand, illmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Sillimanite, Leucoxene, Monazite. In respect of river sand, the State Government in the Public Works Department is authorized for quarrying and sale of sand w.e.f 02.10.2003 and accordingly Rule 38-A has been introduced to the Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959 vide G.O.Ms.No.95 Industries, Department, dated 01.10.2003. The leases are granted to PWD by the concerned District Collectors. The details of existing mining leases for Mineral sand are as follows:
No. Mineral
sand No. of leases granted to Total Leases under Operation Leases under Non- operation
Central owned PSUs State owned PSUs Private Companies/ Individuals
1. River sand - 37* - 37 12 25
2. Silica sand - 3** 21 21 - 21
3. Garnet sand, Illmenite, Rutile, Zircon etc 3 1 77 81 3 78@
* Public Works Department, the State Government Department.
**Leases were granted to State owned PSU, TAMIN which expired during 2017-18. @ Stopped due to allegations of illegal mining and the matter is sub-judice.
(c) : As per the information provided by State Government of Tamil Nadu, the total estimated volume and value of mineral sand in Indian rupees and semiprecious stones mined during the last three years in Tamil Nadu is as under:
No. Mineral sand 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
(tonnes) Royalty realised
(in Rs) Production (tonnes) Royalty realised
(in Rs) Production (tonnes) Royalty realised
(in Rs)
1. Silica sand 132764 11381806 164924 18584021 3000 980800
2. Garnet sand 9950 3049710 7000 2185848 - -
3. Illmenite, 40800 4659297 25250 3773459 - -
4. Rutile 850 1034554 1000 966054 - -
5. Zircon 2150 3049149 2350 3382631 - -
6. Monazite 4 753 3 375 - -
7. Leucoxene - - - - - -
8. Sillimanite - - - - - -
9. River sand* 1083524 91.03 1027715 86.33 841623 70.70
* Production in Lorry loads and Amount in Crores
(d) to (e): With regard to beach sand minerals, the port authorities were requested by the District Collector, Tirunelveli to verify the genuinty of the material to be exported i.e., the source of the mineral mined and the validity of the documents issued by the authorities for transportation of mineral etc., as the beach sand mining operations by private companies/ individuals were stopped from the year 2013 in the state for facilitating inspection on the allegations towards illegal mining and the matter is also subjudice. As per the information available in Indian Minerals Year Book-2017, the quantity and value of exported Mineral sands during each of the last three years are as under:
No. Mineral sand 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Quantity (tonnes) Value
(Value in Rs ''000’) Quantity (tonnes) Value
(Value in Rs ''000’) Quantity (tonnes) Value (Value in Rs ''000’)
1. Silica sand 1216 9802 709 6725 1096 8669
2. Garnet (abrasive) 448559 5673827 480408 5950862 387276 4691843
3. Sillimanite 17304 141262 15078 110847 14064 114678
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