Question : Discharge of Information during COVID-19

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government has devised any strategy for discharge of information including data release during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with expenditure incurred thereon;
(c) whether the Government has engaged Non- Governmental Organisations to spread awareness about COVID-19 and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has taken note of the spread of COVID-19 infection at a faster rate on account of irresponsible behavior of social elements by spreading false information on COVID-19 medication resulting in delayed medical help; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and steps/initiatives taken by the Government for debunking the misinformation related to COVID-19 including strict action against the concerned persons in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b): Ministry of Health & Family Welfare devised a strategy for collection, collation, analysis of data and dissemination of information of COVID-19 outbreak in India. The single source of truth was the information collected from COVID-19 testing laboratories by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). A COVID portal was created wherein the states/districts feed their data on active/confirmed/recovered cases & deaths, testing, availability of COVID treatment facilities, details on containment zones and logistics (such as Personal Protective Equipment, ventilators, hydroxychloroquine, testing kits and reagents etc.)

The system provided for analysis of growth rate, fatality rate, tests per million, confirmation percentage up to district level. It also provides for National/State level dashboards that can be accessed by all States and districts.

The data on certain parameters are also made available daily on the website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. In addition, MoHFW disseminates the information through press briefings, press releases, and social media handles.
The software was developed by in-house IT professional and National Informatics Center.

(c): NITI Aayog engaged the Civil Society Organizations, Industry Associations, UN Agencies and other development partners to create community awareness on COVID. NITI Aayog is maintaining NGO Darpan Portal on which about 92,000 NGOs were registered during the country-wide lockdown period to ease the problems of the people. NITI Aayog invited all the NGOs registered on Darpan Portal to partner with District and State Administrations to create awareness about COVID-19 and also help the people who are in need of food, shelter, masks, sanitizers, PPE kits etc.

(d) and (e) Government has taken note of spread of fake news and panic created by such news. Ministry for Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India has written to all States/UTs to take effective measures to check circulation of fake news.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India has created a web-portal and a dedicated fact check unit where people can verify facts and unverified news promptly. This portal is being utilized to counter fake news and provide authentic and real time information on COVID-19 for the benefits of all.
States and Union Territories have also been requested to create a similar mechanism at State/UT level for issues related to the States.

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