Question : Child Labour

(a) the total number and details of Non-Governmental Organizations working to abolish Child Labour in the State of Jammu-Kashmir;
(b) the year-wise details of funds given to and spent by the said Non-Governmental organizations during each of last three years and current year;
(c) whether the Government is implementing any Scheme in this regard which is funded/being funded by the International Labour Organization and the United States of America; and
(d) if so, the details thereof along with the objective of the above mentioned scheme along with the year-wise details of funds received in form of grant for this purpose and spent therefrom during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Ministry of Labour and Employment is implementing National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme wherein the Special Training Centres (STCs) are run by the District Project Societies for rehabilitation of children withdrawn from work. Under the NCLP Scheme, funds are provided directly to the District Project Societies headed by District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner who in turn allocates the funds to NGOs/Voluntary Agencies, etc. for running of Special Training Centres. The fund released to the State of Jammu & Kashmir under National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme, for last three years and current year is as under:
Year Amount released (Rs. in lakh)
2015-16 47.13
2016-17 61.04
2017-18 32.55*
2018-19 23.58
(as on 11th Dec., 2018)
* fund released in 2018-19.
(c): No, Madam.
(d): Does not arise, in view of (c) above.

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