(a) the details of projects regarding sanitation and drinking water submitted by various States including Chhattisgarh Government during each of last three years and the current year;

(b) the details of projects approved and assistance provided during said period;

(c) the details of projects rejected or under consideration along with the reasons therefor;

(d) whether proposals for allocating additional fund for implementation of Drinking Water and Sanitation programmes from the Government of Bihar have been received by the Union Government; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a) In respect of drinking water supply:

Drinking Water supply is a State subject. The Government of India provides financial and technical assistance to States under the NRDWP to supplement their efforts to provide adequate safe drinking water to the rural population. Under the NRDWP, the State Governments are vested with the powers to plan, execute and implement drinking water supply schemes. The State Governments, in consultation with the Ministry, prepare Annual Action Plans each year, to implement rural water supply schemes to cover partially covered and quality affected habitations and for other activities. Drinking water supply projects prepared thereafter by the States are examined and sanctioned at the state level by the State Level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC).

In respect of Sanitation:

Under the rural sanitation programme, the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) {SBM(G)}, projects are sanctioned district-wise. Currently 627 district sanitation projects are under implementation. During last three years and the current year, under the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)/ Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA)/ Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin){SBM(G)}, 20 District Projects have been received and sanctioned. State/UT wise district projects sanctioned is at Annexure 1.

Central share released under the TSC/ NBA/ SBM(G), State/UT-wise, during last 3 years and current year is at Annexure-2.

(b) In respect of Water: Question does not arise.

In respect of Sanitation: Answered at part(a).

(c) In respect of Water: Question does not arise.

In respect of Sanitation: No project has been rejected or is presently under consideration.

(d)& (e) In respect of Water: Any additional release of funds under National Rural Drinking Water Programme to any State/UT can be made at the end of the financial year after taking into account the requirement of the State/UT, the extent of expenditure of the funds already released to the State/UT, and the availability of savings at the national level. So far, no specific proposal from Government of Bihar has been received by the Union Government regarding additional funds.

In respect of Sanitation: No Madam, Does not arise.

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