Question : Sports Promotional Schemes

(a) the number of sports promotional schemes that are being implemented by Sports Authority of India to scout and nurture sports talent in the age group ranging from 8-25 years along with details of the targets set and the achievements made under each of the said schemes;

(b) the number of regional centres established for the sports promotional schemes during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether the Government is giving special attention to select majority of youths from rural, tribal and backward areas for the sports promotional schemes;

(d) if so, the number of youths selected from these categories during the last three years and the current year;

(e) whether the Government has taken steps for creating proper awareness among rural/ tribal youths about these sports promotional schemes and if so, the details thereof and the problem faced by the Government in implementing these schemes; and

(f) whether most of the schemes have not been able to achieve the objectives for which they have been launched and if so, the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Sports Promotional Scheme of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports that are being implemented through Sports Authority of India (SAI) to scout and nurture talent in the age group of 8-25 years are Khelo India Scheme, Scheme for Assistance to National Sports Federations, National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) and releasing block grants to Sports Authority of India (SAI) for running its various training facilities across India. The details of trainees being trained in various sports promotional schemes are at Annexure-I.

(b) No new Regional Centre of SAI has been established during the last 3 years and in the current year, as existing sports infrastructure can provide training for large number of athletes for attaining excellence in sports.

(c) & (d) Sporting talent is identified through sports competitions at different levels without discrimination on the basis of talent coming from rural, tribal and backward areas. Under the Khelo India Scheme 2741 talented children have been identified in 24 sports disciplines. Of these 608 athletes are being trained at SAI academies and the rest are being in SAI accredited academies. The scheme wise number of youths selected under various SAI promotional schemes during the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-II.

(e) Khelo India Games, National and State level competitions in different sports disciplines and success of Indian athletes in international arena have help create awareness and increase participation of youth including from rural, tribal and backward areas, in sports and the existing schemes relating to sports promotion are applicable for all athletes across India, including rural and tribal youth.

(f) No Sir, the twin objectives of the National Sports Policy of mass participation in Sports and promotion of excellence in sports across the country are being served through the promotional schemes run by the Department of Sports.

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