(a) whether incidents of damage to foodgrain stocks due to various reasons including shortage of storage space, storage in open, poor maintenance of stock and transit losses have been reported during the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, whether all the foodgrains have since been moved to safe and covered godowns;

(c) if so, the details thereof indicating the total production, procurement stock and quantum of foodgrains damaged during the said period along with the corrective action taken including private participation in creation of godowns in this regard;

(d) whether all cases of poor maintenance of foodgrain stocks in godowns detected by the Government are examined and remedial action is taken thereon;

(e) if so, the number of such cases examined during the last three years along with the outcome thereof and the action taken thereon; and

(f) the number of such cases which did not come to the notice of the Government and thereby led to rotting of foodgrains during the last three years along with the number of persons against whom action was taken for negligence in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a), (b) & (c) Yes, Madam, Food Corporation of India (FCI) has informed that a quantity of 6702 tons, 6346 tons, 3338 tons and 1160.78 tons of foodgrains got damaged/ became non-issuable in FCI during 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 (as on 1.7.2012) respectively due to various reasons such as storage pest attack, leakages in godowns, procurement of poor quality stocks, spillage during movement and handling of stocks, exposure to rains in case of unscientific storage because of lack of storage space, floods, negligence on the part of concerned persons in taking precautionary measures etc.

Foodgrains under Central Pool are stored in scientific godowns and prescribed code of storage practices are followed to maintain the quality and to avoid damage. In view of shortage of covered storage space, wheat is also stored in Cover and Plinth (CAP) which is also a scientific form of storage. Sometimes, when even CAP is not available, wheat has to be temporarily stored in kutcha plinths, which is vulnerable. As on 1.6.2012 a quantity of 66.91 lakh tons wheat was stored in katcha/vulnerable plinths. FCI has prepared an action plan for evacuation of vulnerable wheat stocks lying in unscientific /katcha plinths in a time bound manner to avoid damage. The position of wheat stock in vulnerable plinths as on 24.7.2012 as compared to stock on 1.6.2012 is as under:

Stock of wheat as on 1.6.2012	-	66.91 lakh tons
wheat receipt	-	03.76 lakh tons
wheat moved/evacuated	-	25.83 lakh tons
Stock of wheat as on 24.7.2012	-	44.84 lakh tons

Production of wheat and rice during the last 3 years is as under: (figure in lakh tons) Crop Year Wheat Rice 2009-10 808.00 890.90 2010-11 868.70 959.80 2011-12# 939.03 1043.22

# As per 4th Advance estimates of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation.

Procurement of foodgrains under Central Pool during the last 3 years is as under: (figure in lakh tons) Year Wheat (RMS) Rice (KMS) 2009-10 253.82 320.34 2010-11 225.14 341.98 2011-12 283.35 347.47# 2012-13 381.48 -

# As on 14.8.2012.

Stock position of wheat and rice during last 3 years under Central Pool is as under:

(figure in lakh tons) Date Wheat Rice 1.7.2010 335.84 242.96 1.7.2011 371.49 268.57 1.7.2012 498.08 307.08

Details of region-wise stocks of foodgrains accrued as damaged/non-issuable in FCI during last three years and current year is at Annexure-I. Steps taken for safe and scientific storage of foodgrains to avoid damages are at Annexure-II.

To create additional storage capacity, the Government is implementing a Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee (PEG) Scheme for construction of storage godowns through private entrepreneurs. Under the scheme, the Food Corporation of India gives a guarantee of ten years for assured hiring. A capacity of 181.08 lakh tons has been approved for construction of godowns at various locations in 19 states, out of which a capacity of 122.07 lakh tons has already been sanctioned/ allotted to Private Investors/Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)/State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs) for construction. Out of this, 18.62 lakh tons storage capacity has already been created by the private sector for use of FCI as on 30.7.2012.

(d), (e) & (f) Foodgrains procured by the field functionaries are subjected to supervisory checks/inspections in FCI, to see and ensure that procured stocks are within prescribed specifications. During storage, prescribed code of storage practices are to be followed to maintain the quality. FCI has a regular monitoring mechanism under which inspections are carried out to assess the quality of foodgrains stored. Fortnightly inspection of stocks on 100% basis are done by Technical Assistants for declaring categorization of stocks followed by monthly inspections of 1/3rd of stocks by Manager (QC) and supervisory inspections by all senior officers.

As a result of such regular as well as surprise inspections in FCI, all cases relating to procurement/poor maintenance of stocks in godowns leading to sub-standard/damaged stocks were detected and deterrent action taken against the delinquents. Disciplinary action taken by FCI against such officials during the last three and current years are as under:-
Year	No. of officials proceeded against	for rotting/damage of foodgrains
2009-10	28
2010-11	20
2011-12	59
2012-13	10
Total	117

Since all the stocks are inspected, as such all the cases of damages to foodgrains are detected and action is taken against the delinquents.