(a) whether the Government have taken any steps to catalogue the numismatic collections deposited in all the museums in the country and also regarding the ancient coins found in India but got deposited in various museums abroad and also in the private collections in both India and abroad;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to collect the treasure troves found in India and various parts of the country lying with State treasuries departments or local sub-treasuries?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) : The preparation ofthe National Register of the tangible heritage, including numismatic collections, in the country has begun. In the first phase, the Register would include the `AA` and `A` category collections. As far as collections deposited outside the country is concerned, it may be stated that prior to Independence, a large number of cultural objects including coins had moved from the Indian Subcontinent to different parts of the world. These objects are scattered among innumerable museums and private collections. There is no international covenant for the restitution of such objects. Further, because of partition of Indian Subcontinent, there would be competing claims about the country of origin of these objects. In view of this, building a record of such objects is not only time consuming and problematic but also unlikely to yield practical results so far as restitution is concerned.

(c) : The Constitution assigns the subject `Treasure Trove` to State List. The Covcmment do not propose to collect the treasure troves lying with State Treasuries.