(a): Yes, Sir, Major coal projects i.e. projects
costing Rs.100 crores and above are reviewed on quarterly
basis regularly by an Inter-Ministerial Committee headed by
Secretary (Coal) and having members from Planning
Commission, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Statistics and Programme Implementation and Ministry of
Environment & Forests. Last such meeting was held on
2.3.2002. Major projects including coal projects in the
Central Sector are also monitored by Ministry of Statistics
& Programme Implementation through monthly flash reports
obtained from the respective companies.
(b): 20 major coal/lignite projects were being monitored in
the Department of Coal from August, 1999. Of these
projects, 4 projects namely, Dipka OCP ( 10 mty), SECL,
Lakhanpur OC (5 mty) and Kalinga OC (8 mty) under MCL and
Medapalli OC (1.25 mty) under SCCL have since been
completed as per laid down norms. Status of implementation
of remaining 16 projects is indicated below :
Jhanjra UG (ECL) - The existing capital cost of project
having capacity of 2 mty is Rs.403.96 crores. In view of
fund constraints and technical reasons, the project is
proposed to be foreclosed at a de-rated capacity after the
approval of the Govt. A sum of Rs.369.70 crores (prov.)
has been spent upto 31.12.01 against the sanctioned cost.
Kottadih OC + UG (ECL) - The existing capital cost of
project having a total capacity of 2.48 mty is Rs.267.52
crores. The project is proposed to be foreclosed at a de-
rated capacity of 0.87 mty at a capital cost of Rs.378.51
crores with the approval of the Govt. The sum of Rs.378.51
crores has already been spent.
Jambad OC (ECL) - The existing capital cost of project
having capacity of 0.80 mty is Rs.136.88 crores. . The
project is proposed to be foreclosed at a de-rated capacity
of 0.26 mty at a capital cost of Rs.35.03 crores with the
approval of the Govt. A sum of Rs.34.25 crores has been
spent upto 31.12.01.
Satgram UG (ECL) - The project has been derated to 0.51
mty at a capital cost of Rs.118.87 crores in February,
2002. Against this sanctioned cost, a sum of Rs.112.04
crores has been spent upto 31.12.01 and the project is
scheduled to be completed in March, 2003.
Pootkee-Balihari UG (BCCL) - The project is proposed to be
derated to 0.68 mty at a capital cost of Rs.182.60 crores
with the approval of the Govt. A sum of Rs.170.01 crores
has been spent upto 31.12.01.
Madhuban Washery (BCCL) - The RCE for the project for a
capital cost of Rs.197.23 crores is being processed for
Govt. sanction. A sum of Rs.197.08 crores has been spent
upto 31.12.01.
Parej OC (CCL) - The existing capital cost of the project
having capacity of 1.75 mty is Rs.162.88 crores. The
project has since been completed in March, 2002. A sum of
Rs.125.61 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001 against the
sanctioned cost.
K.D.Hesalong OC (CCL) - The existing capital cost of the
project having capacity of 4.50 mty is Rs.316.12 crores. A
sum of Rs.236.78 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001
against the sanctioned cost.
Jharkhand OC (CCL) - The existing capital cost of the
project sanctioned in October, 1998 having capacity of
1.00 mty is Rs.110.89 crores. A sum of Rs.40.70 crores
has been spent upto 31.12.2001 against the sanctioned cost.
Dudhichua Expn.OC (NCL) - The existing capital cost of
the project having capacity of 10 mty is Rs.1281.39 crores.
A sum of Rs.1019.82 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001
against the sanctioned cost.
Nigahi Expn.OC (NCL) - The existing capital cost of the
project having capacity of 10 mty is Rs.1846.49 crores. A
sum of Rs.979.99 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001
against the sanctioned cost.
Gauthamkhani OC (SCCL) - The existing capital cost of the
project having capacity of 2.00 mty is Rs.159.74 crores.
A sum of Rs.118.95 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001
against the sanctioned cost.
R.K.New Tech.UG (SCCL) - The project is proposed to be
derated to 0.64 mty at a capital cost of Rs.33.82 crores
with the approval of the Govt. A sum of Rs.20.85 crores
has been spent upto 31.12.2001.
Mine I Expn. (NLC) - The existing capital cost of the
project having capacity of 4.0 mty is Rs.1658.38 crores.
A sum of Rs.1365.96 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001
against the sanctioned cost.
TPS I Expn.(NLC) - The existing capital cost of the
project ( 2x210 MW) is Rs.1420.27 crores. A sum of
Rs.880.32 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001 against the
sanctioned cost.
Mine IA (NLC) - The existing capital cost of the project
having capacity of 3 mty is Rs.1032.81 crores. A sum of
Rs.577.10 crores has been spent upto 31.12.2001 against the
sanctioned cost.
(c): Reasons for delay / slow progress in implementation of
projects are given below:-
i) Delay in acquisition of land and associated problems of rehabilitation.
ii) Delay in supply of equipment and turn key execution
iii) Adverse geo-mining conditions
iv) Fund constraints
v) Delay in obtaining forestry clearance.
Following steps taken have been taken / are being
taken by the Government for expeditious implementation of
coal projects:-
i) Coal companies have been directed to monitor
implementation of coal projects regularly and rigorously.
In the coal companies, a three - tier structure for
monitoring the projects i.e. at colliery level, area level
and head quarter level is in existence.
ii) Review of major coal projects i.e. projects
costing Rs.100 crores and above is conducted on quarterly
basis by an Inter-Ministerial Committee headed by Secretary
(Coal) and having members from Planning Commission,
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation and Ministry of Environment &
iii) Based on the results of the above reviews,
appropriate directions are sent by the Government
(Department of Coal) to the coal companies for taking
timely remedial action to overcome the shortcomings.
iv) Timely availability of land and forestry
clearance, wherever required, being crucial for successful
implementation of coal projects, constant interaction is
made by the Department of Coal with Ministry of Environment
and Forests as also with the State Government authorities
for expediting the same.
v) The issue of expeditious supply of equipment is
regularly followed-up with the representatives of the
public sector mining equipment manufactures and the
concerned Ministries / Departments.
vi) Sophisticated geological and geophysical
exploration techniques are being adopted for advance
forecasting of geo-mining conditions.
(d): Details of new major projects (costing Rs. 100 crores
and above) proposed to be taken up in X plan under Western
Coalfields Limited are given below:
Sl. Name of projects Capacity (mty) Estimated
No. capital (Rs.crores)
1. Baranj OC 2.35 855.85
2. Padampur Deep OC 1.25 100.00
3. Sinhala / Durgapur Deep 1.25 100.00 OC
4. Morepar Expn. UG 0.85 167.71