Question : NIS Services of SAI

(a) whether the Sports Authority of India (SAI) provides the services of National Institute of Sports (NIS) trained coaches for the Central and State projects earlier which has now been discontinued and if so, the reasons therefor and the steps taken to restore the said services;

(b) whether there is any scheme to help the boys/girls in the age group of 7-14 years to improve their standard in sports by imparting intensive training to them throughout the year and selecting tribal players of popular sports in States and setting up sports academies of popular sports in States and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the State Governments have started academies for some selective sports like hockey, shooting, horse-riding, martial arts and water sports from 1 July, 2007;

(d) if so, whether the Government proposes to provide certain percentage of funds for running the said academies; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Sports Authority of India (SAI) used to provide services of its National Institute of Sports (NIS) trained coaches to State Coaching Centres (SCCs) and District Coaching Centres (DCCs), Universities etc. However, there has been very little recruitment of coaches in SAI since 1996.This has resulted in acute shortage of coaches in SAI and they have been forced to withdraw them from SCCs and DCCs for deploying them in their own centres. At present, out of 1078 coaches, 102 are deployed in SCCs and 19 in University Field Stations. The remaining coaches are deployed in SAI centres and National Coaching Camps. Under a new proposal, States/Universities/Institutes can seek the services of NIS qualified coaches from SAI on deputation basis.

(b) SAI provides scientific training and other support under National Sports Talent Contest Scheme (NSTC) and Army Boys Sports Company (ABSC) to boys and girls having sports potential in the age group of 8-14 and 8-16 years respectively.

Besides, in other SAI promotional schemes such as Special Area Games (SAG), SAI Training Center (STC), Extension Centre of STC/SAG, Centre of Excellence (COX) and Academies training is imparted to athletes from urban, rural, tribal and economic weaker sections etc. SAG Scheme of SAI is specially focused to scout and nurture sports talent from amongst the rural and tribal areas.

(c) Since “Sports” is a State subject. Data use of sports infrastructure/academies started by State Governments is not maintained. Government only supplements the efforts of State Governments in promotion/development of sports through its various schemes.

(d) No, Madam.

(e) Does not arise.


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