Question : CRPF Personnel Killed by Naxalites

(a) the number of CRPF personnel killed by naxalites in naxal affected areas during the last two years;

(b) the number of personnel who died due to depression, heart attack and malaria etc. during the said period;

(c) whether the Government is likely to take any steps to raise the morale of personnel who are discharging their duties in adverse circumstances; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): CRPF personnel martyred in Left Wing Extremism affected States during the last two years and current year is as under: -

States Year
2016 2017 2018 (upto 30.07.2018)
Bihar 11 00 01
Chhattisgarh 18 39 11
Jharkhand 02 00 02
Maharashtra 00 01 00
Total 31 40 14

L.S.US.Q.NO.3403 FOR 07.08.2018

(b): Details of CRPF personnel who lost their lives due to depression, heart attack and malaria etc. during the last two years and current year is as under: -

Year Heart attack Malaria / Dengue Depression / Suicide Others Total
2016 92 05 26 353 476
2017 156 06 38 435 635
2018 (upto 30.07.2018) 39 01 19 124 183

(c) & (d): Yes, the Government has been taking several measures to ensure good morale of all CAPF personnel. Specialized training and modern equipments are being provided to personnel operating under adverse conditions. Additional allowances/incentives to personnel deployed in anti-naxal operations in terms of Risk Allowance, HRA and extension of facility for retention of Government accommodation at the last place of posting is already in place. In addition, insurance and various advances/loans are given to ensure financial well-being. Basic amenities like proper accommodation, medical facilities, timely evacuation of injured, better promotional avenues, gallantry awards, rewards/appreciations, grievance redressal etc are being addressed.


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