(a) POSHAN Abhiyaan was launched on 8th March, 2018, with an objective to reduce malnutrition from the country in a phased manner and achieve improvement in nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner.
Focusing on the aims of POSHAN Abhiyaan, Mission Poshan 2.0 (Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0) announced in budget 2021-2022 across States/UTs, is an integrated nutrition support programme, to strengthen nutritional content, delivery, outreach and outcomes with focus on developing practices that nurture health, wellness and immunity to disease and malnutrition.
(b) The data on nutrition indicators that is stunting, wasting and underweight among children under 5 years as captured by National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4 and NFHS-5), and Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS) is annexed as Annexure I. The recently released report of NFHS-5 is available only for 22 States/UTs.
(c) During the pandemic, as per the MHA guidelines, all Anganwadi Centres across the country were closed to limit the impact of COVID-19. However, to ensure continuous nutritional support to Anganwadi beneficiaries, Anganwadi Workers and Helpers distributed Supplementary Nutrition at the doorsteps of beneficiaries once in 15 days and have distributed medicines as per requirement.
Annexure I
Statement referred to in reply to Part (b) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.1885 for 30.07.2021 by SHRI SISIR KUMAR ADHIKARI regarding Nutritional Rehabilitation.
S. No. Name of State/UT Stunting Underweight Wasting
NHFS 4 (2015-16) NHFS 5 (2019-20) CNNS
(2016-18) NHFS 4
(2015-16) NHFS 5 (2019-20) CNNS (2016-18) NHFS 4 (2015-16) NHFS 5 (2019-20) CNNS
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 23.3 22.5 - 21.6 16 - 18.9 23.7 -
2 Andhra Pradesh 31.4 31.2 31.5 31.9 16.1 33.5 17.2 29.6 17.1
3 Arunachal Pradesh 29.4 - 28 19.4 - 16 17.3 - 7
4 Assam 36.4 35.3 32.4 29.8 21.7 29.4 17 32.8 19.4
5 Bihar 48.3 42.9 42 43.9 22.9 38.7 20.8 41 14.5
6 Chandigarh 28.7 - - 24.5 - 0 10.9 - -
7 Chhattisgarh 37.6 - 35.4 37.7 - 40 23.1 - 19.3
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 41.7 39.4 - 38.9 21.6 - 27.6 38.7 -
Daman & Diu 23.4 - - 26.7 - - 24.1 - -
9 Delhi 31.9 - 28.8 27 - 28.1 15.9 - 14.8
10 Goa 20.1 25.8 19.6 23.8 19.1 20.3 21.9 24 15.8
11 Gujarat 38.5 39 39.1 39.3 25.1 34.2 26.4 39.7 17
12 Haryana 34 - 34.9 29.4 - 28.8 21.2 - 11.7
13 Himachal Pradesh 26.3 30.8 28.4 21.2 17.4 22.6 13.7 25.5 11.0
14 Jammu & Kashmir 27.4 26.9 15.5 16.6 19 13.0 12.1 21 15.0
15 Jharkhand 45.3 - 36.2 47.8 - 42.9 29 - 29.1
16 Karnataka 36.2 35.4 32.5 35.2 19.5 32 26.1 32.9 19
17 Kerala 19.7 23.4 20.5 16.1 15.8 18.7 15.7 19.7 12.6
18 Lakshadweep 26.8 30.5 - 23.6 17.5 - 13.7 20.4 -
19 Ladakh - 32 - - 17.4 - - 25.8 -
20 Madhya Pradesh 42 - 39.5 42.8 - 38.7 25.8 - 19.6
21 Maharashtra 34.4 35.2 34.1 36 25.6 30.9 25.6 36.1 16.9
22 Manipur 28.9 46.5 28.9 13.8 12.1 13 6.8 26.6 6
23 Meghalaya 43.8 23.4 40.4 28.9 9.9 30 15.3 13.3 15
24 Mizoram 28 28.9 27.4 12 9.8 11.3 6.1 12.7 5.8
25 Nagaland 28.6 32.7 26.2 16.8 19.1 16.3 11.3 26.9 12.9
26 Orissa 34.1 - 29.1 34.4 - 29.2 20.4 - 13.9
27 Puducherry 24 - - 22.7 - - 23.8 - -
28 Punjab 25.7 - 24.3 21.6 - 19.7 15.6 - 6.7
29 Rajasthan 39.1 - 36.8 36.7 - 31.5 23 - 14.3
30 Sikkim 29.6 22.3 21.8 14.2 13.7 11.0 14.2 13.1 7.0
31 Tamil Nadu 27.1 - 19.7 23.8 - 23.5 19.7 - 21
32 Telangana 28 33.1 29.3 28.4 21.7 30.8 18.1 31.8 17.9
33 Tripura 24.3 32.3 31.9 24.1 18.2 23.8 16.8 25.6 12.8
34 Uttar Pradesh 46.3 - 38.8 39.5 - 36.8 17.9 - 18.5
35 Uttarakhand 33.5 - 29.9 26.6 - 18.7 19.5 - 5.9
36 West Bengal 32.5 33.8 25.3 31.6 20.3 30.9 20.3 32.2 20.1
INDIA 38.4 - 34.7 35.7 - 33.4 21.0 - 17
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