Question : Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram

a) whether the Government is implementing Rashtriya Bal Swasthaya Karyakram in the country, if so, the details thereof and achievement made since inception
b) whether the Government has made any assessment of the scheme through social audit
c) if so the details thereof and the outcome of the assessment
d) the details of the number of children covered since the inception of the scheme, State/UT wise along with funds allocated and allocated and utilised during each of the last three years; and
e) whether the Government proposes to setup high-end labs in the Central Government controlled hospitals/health centres for early detection of genetic disorders andother diseases through prenatal diagnosis and if so, the details thereof along withfunds allocated for the purpose ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Rashtriya Bal Swasthaya Karyakram (RBSK) programme under Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) strategy, of National Health Mission, Government of India, provides screening services for selected health conditions to children through dedicated mobile health teams placed in every block. Children from birth to six years of age are screened at Anganwadi centres twice a year and children from 6 years till 18 years of age enrolled in Government and Government aided schools in classes 1st to 12th are screened once a year.

Government of India is supporting all States/UTs in implementation of Rashtriya Bal Swasthaya Karyakram (RBSK) under, National Health Mission, based on the Annual Program Implementation Plan (APIP) submitted by States/ UTs.

As reported by States/UTs, under RBSK 8.04 crores children were identified with selected health conditions and 3.11 crores children availed secondary/tertiary care, since inception in FY 2014-15 till FY 2020-21.

State/UT-wise approvals and utilisation for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) under NHM inlast three years as per Financial Management Report (FMR) is given at Annexure.

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is monitored under National Health Mission through regular review of quarterly reports, annual reviews during the appraisals process of Programme Implementation Plans, field visits and periodic meeting with State nodal officers and through Common Review Missions.

(e): The Department of Biotechnology started the Unique Methods for Management of Inherited Disorders (UMMID) initiative to address the burden of genetic disorders in the country. One of the components of the UMMID initiative is establishing NIDAN Kendras (National Inherited Disorders Administration Kendras) for providing clinical care broadly encompassing the activities of prenatal testing for genetic disorders, newborn screening for relatively common treatable genetic metabolic disorders, and genetic counseling of pregnant mothers carrying fetuses with high risk of genetic disorders.

In the pilot phase of the UMMID initiative, NIDAN Kendras have been established at five Government hospitals spread in four states of the country. The total cost of the sanctioned projects under UMMID Initiative is Rs. 35 Crores.

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