(a) & (b) : Yes, Sir. So far five states namely Orissa,
Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh have passed
their Reform Acts and unbundled their Electricity Boards. Only
Orissa has privatised distribution. Rajasthan has passed its
Reforms Act but it is yet to be implemented. Besides this
fourteen States namely Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana,
Karnataka, UP, Arunachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Madhya
Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and West Bengal
have notified constitution of State Electricity Regulatory
Commissions. However, tariff orders have been issued only by
Orissa State Electricity Regulatory Commission.
(c) : Orissa is the only state to have privatised its
entire distribution. The performance of distribution companies
has begin to show improvement despite extensive damage caused to
systems by the Super Cyclone. It is expected that the
distribution companies will start making current payment for
their power purchase by the end of the current year thereby
achieving financial viability. In respect of other states it is
too early to assess the impact of reforms.
(d) : Government of India has taken a proactive role in
reforming State Electricity Boards so that they function on
commercial lines. Power Ministers Conference held on 26.2.2000
resolved that reform must be undertaken with determination, vigor
and a sense of urgency. The key elements of the Reforms Strategy
(i) Energy audit at all levels;
(ii) Time bound program of 100% metering of all
consumers by December 2001;
(iii) Reduction and finally, elimination of power theft
within a specified time frame.
(iv) Strengthening/upgradation of sub transmission and
distribution system by taking sub station as a
limit on a priority basis.
If above appears unattainable in the existing Act
Corporatisation/Co-privatisation/Privatisation of distribution
would have to be undertaken.