(a) Number of death cases due to Kala-azar, and Malaria during the last 3
years as reported by the State Health authorities are given at Annexure I.
Deaths are not reported under the National TB Control Programme. It is
estimated that about 4.17 lakhs patients die of TB every year in the country.
However, under Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), the deaths due to
TB among patients registered for treatment are reported. State-wise details of
deaths reported during the last 3 years is given at Annexure-II.
(b) & (c) A National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) by
covering prevention and control programmes for Dengue and Japanese encephalitis
with 3 on-going centrally sponsored schemes namely National Anti Malaria
Programme, National Filaria Control Programme and Kala-azar Control Programme is
being implemented since October, 2003. Government of India provides assistance
in the form of insecticides, larvicides and drugs for treatment of Malaria, Kala-
azar and Filaria to all the states. In addition, North-Eastern States and UTs
are also provided cash assistance to meet the operational cost for
implementation of the programme. 100 Districts covering 1045 PHCs in 8 States
namely Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan, Orissa and Gujarat are also being provided 100% cash assistance to
meet the operational cost for implementation of the programme under World Bank
assisted Enhanced Malaria Control Project (EMCP). Under this project cash
assistance is also provided to other states for training and awareness
Funds in terms of insecticides and drugs for treatment of kala-azar are
made available to four kala-azar endemic states namely Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar
Pradesh and West Bengal. Since December,2003, Govt.of India is providing 100%
cash assistance to meet operational cost for implementation of the programme
besides supply of DDT and drugs for kala-azar treatment.
Funds allocated and expenditure incurred during the last 3 years for
control of malaria, Kala-azar and TB and unspent balance are given at Annexures
-III & IV. Status of unspent balances under Malaria and Kala-azar Control
Programmes as on 30.11.2004 is at Annexure - V.
(d): The steps taken for effective control of Malaria include:-
ú Early Diagnosis and prompt treatment of malaria cases
ú Integrated Vector Control
ú Early detection and containment of malaria epidemic outbreaks.
ú Information Education and Communication (IEC) towards personal prevention and community participation.
ú Training and capacity building of Medical and Para-Medical workers.
ú Monitoring and Evaluation.
ú Effective Management Information System
For detection of Malaria cases in the community, Health workers and Health
institutions like Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres
(CHCs), Dispensaries and District hospitals are involved which carry out active
and passive surveillance. Drugs Distribution Centres (DDCs), and Fever
Treatment Depots (FTDs) have been established and most of the villages to make
available the anti-malaria drugs to fever cases and prepare blood slides.
Malaria positive cases confirmed on blood slides examination are given radical
For elimination of Kala-azar steps being taken by the Govt.of India are:
ú Early diagnosis and complete treatment through Primacry Health Care System and periodic door-to-door case search.
ú Interruption of transmission through vector control by DDT indoor spraying in affected areas.
ú Health Education and Community participation.
For controlling Tuberculosis, National TB Control Programme is in operation
in the country since 1962. This could not achieve the desired results.
Therefore, Revised National TB Control Programme widely known as DOTS, which is
a WHO recommended strategy, was introduced in 1993 and scaled up from 1998 and
is being implemented in a phased manner, with the objective of achieving cure
rate of 85% of new sputum positive cases and to detect at least 70% of such
The project districts have reported a cure rate of more than 85% which
means more than 8 out of every 10 patients diagnosed and put on treatment under
revised strategy are successfully treated. This is more than double that of the
earlier programme. For quality diagnosis of TB, microscopy centers are
established for every 1 lakh population for normal areas and for every 50,000
population in hilly/tribal and difficult areas. More than 9000 microscopy
centres have already been established in the country.
To make the programme more accessible to larger segments of the population,
and to supplement the Government efforts in this direction, emphasis is being
given to involve medical colleges, all general hospitals, private practitioners
and NGOs in the programme.
DOTS coverage is being rapidly expanded in the country. From 20 million
coverage in 1998, more than 900 million population in 522 districts has been
covered. It is envisaged to cover the entire country by 2005 under the revised
State wise/Year wise death due to Malaria & Kala-azar
STATE/U.T. 2001 2002 2003 2004
Malaria Kala- Malaria Kala- Malaria Kala- Malaria Kala-azar deaths azar deaths azar deaths azar deaths deaths deaths deaths deaths
Andhra Pradesh 1 0 3 0 Spt.
Arunachal Pr. 14 0 0 0 July
Assam 122 72 53 10 Apl.
Bihar 0 204 2 160 1 187 0 Spt. 84 (up to Spt.)
Chhattisgarh 32 3 4 2 Spt.
Goa 12 15 1 4 Aug.
Gujarat 19 17 65 0 Spt.
Haryana 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Himachal Pr. 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0 0 August
Jharkhand 21 0 31 0 13 5 26 Aug. 13 (up to Spt.)
Karnataka 21 33 22 18 Spt.
Kerala 9 8 7 9 Aug.
Madhya Pradesh 81 30 22 8 Aug.
Maharashtra 50 43 85 8 June.
Manipur 5 9 17 7 Aug.
Meghalaya 17 41 38 19 Spt.
Mizoram 43 35 48 56 Spt.
Nagaland 1 0 0 0 July
Orissa 305 465 333 104 June
Punjab 0 0 1 0 Spt.
Rajasthan 36 11 66 0 July
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 August
Tamil Nadu 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Tripura 9 5 13 13 Spt.
Uttaranchal 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Uttar Pradesh 15 3 0 1 0 1 0 Spt. 2 (up to Oct.)
West Bengal 191 4 152 5 214 7 56 July 22 (up to Spt.)
A.N.Islands 1 1 0 0 Spt.
Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 Spt.
D & N Haveli 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Delhi 0 2# 0 2# 0 10# 0 6# (up to August Spt.)
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 Spt.
Pondicherry 0 0 0 0 Spt.
All India Total 1005 213 973 168 1006 210 339 127 (up to Spt) 15-7-2003
# Imported
Statement indicating State-wise details of the deaths reported During the last 3 years.
State Year
2001 2002 2003 (Upto September, 2003)
Andhra Pradesh 950 1465 1881
Arunachal Pr. 16 36
Assam 58 52 172
Bihar 164 158 112
Chandigard 24 21
Chhatisgarh 144 107
Delhi 335 437 279
Gujrat 1606 1788 1201
Haryana 196 188 153
Himachal Pradesh 256 361 229
Jharkhand 85 81 84
Karnataka 920 1096 1136
Kerala 877 861 469
Madhya Pradesh 166 258 475
Maharashtra 2093 3449 1888
Manipur 50 156 65
Mizoram 16
Nagaland 4 26
Orissa 557 812 582
Punjab 26 48 268
Rajasthan 2052 2151 1262
Sikkim 28 11
Tamil Nadu 1997 3035 1689
Uttranchal 1 23
Uttar Pradash 670 663 1333
West Bengal 1973 2533 1584
Total 15031 19809 6562
ú The proportion of number of patients put on treatment under RNTCP and the TB deaths occurring has been same, but the number has increased due to increased coverage of population and hence reporting under RNTCP.
ú As treatment outcome (death, success rate etc.) becomes available only after one year from initiation of the treatment, the information in regard to TB deaths in 2003 is available only upto September, 2003 and hence number of deaths are not available for current year.
Statement showing State-wise Expenditure for 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 under NVBDCP
States/UTs 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Exp. Exp. Exp.
Andhra Pradesh 954.64 548.86 534.73
Arunachal Pr. 364.97 377.08 112.63
Assam 2377.47 1935.83 1364.15
Bihar 873.90 198.35 2789.16
Chattisgarh 876.31 3047.95 1739.99
Goa 6.19 7.97 18.55
Gujarat 1,353.89 767.99 380.99
Haryana 18.43 67.21 37.35
Himachal Pr. 36.78 11.89 4.90
J & K 69.62 62.44 72.30
Jharkhand 883.78 1671.15 1296.86
Karnataka 386.48 227.36 264.87
Kerala 67.75 13.31 214.55
Madhya Pradesh 2540.80 2408.15 1333.71
Maharashtra 2,289.20 947.11 463.30
Manipur 275.27 144.86 69.71
Meghalaya 292.98 301.70 323.35
Mizoram 345.85 190.50 275.68
Nagaland 368.08 372.14 386.20
Orissa 1,745.06 3030.80 2512.78
Punjab 94.10 65.75 37.87
Rajasthan 924.92 925.90 1415.59
Sikkim 0.14 4.32 2.42
Tamil Nadu 289.03 187.39 279.06
Tripura 505.76 389.93 428.63
Uttar Pradesh 671.41 607.31 744.61
Uttaranchal 39.18 1.96 39.17
West Bengal 1,140.73 518.97 616.94
Delhi 89.55 58.47 80.67
Pondicherry 8.30 13.18 11.12
A&N Islands 220.75 230.07 203.33
Chandigarh 34.87 38.29 25.36
D & N Haveli 40.67 16.07 60.72
Daman & Diu 18.65 7.99 19.29
Lakshadweep 5.92 5.35 12.06
Total 20,211.43 19403.60 18172.60
Cash for - 0.00 0.00
states other
than NE
Commd. Misc. 0 0.00 1928.31
Estt./Res./Pub 1,767.16 1278.00 -
buffer` - - -
RITES (Fee) 0.00 0.00
Total 1767.16 1278.00 1928.31
Grand Total 21978.59 20681.60 20100.91
Statement indicating State Wise Allocation and Expenditure during last three years
under the National TB Control Programme
Sl Name of the 2001-2002 2002-2003 .N State / UT o. Allocation Releases Exp Allocation Releases Exp 1 Andhra pradesh 1200.00 175.50 1509.35 1050.00 250.00 952.66 2 Arunachal 119.42 86.42 89.59 15.00 37.50 40.09 Pradesh 3 Assam 212.38 91.73 195.06 391.77 225.20 256.81 4 Bihar 700.05 88.75 409.47 697.27 85.05 285.01 5 Goa 15.55 7.82 9.88 13.78 10.00 11.37 6 Gujarat 810.07 285.67 466.60 536.22 0.00 239.74 7 Haryana 195.23 80.16 158.13 179.75 45.28 137.13 8 Himachal 183.57 113.50 144.91 64.64 35.00 91.20 Pradesh 9 Jammu & 73.42 41.15 77.76 95.28 0.00 31.95 Kashmir 10 Karnataka 632.73 283.80 529.45 534.01 269.00 455.28 11 Kerala 687.23 324.00 450.38 336.99 0.00 156.31 12 Madhya Pradesh 658.38 202.60 420.38 592.09 519.95 663.03 13 Maharashtra 1683.61 919.46 1167.23 1025.81 203.43 627.18 14 Manipur 100.47 81.91 87.88 30.77 64.12 77.14 15 Meghalaya 19.59 12.82 12.93 31.74 70.10 70.19 16 Mizoram 14.17 11.51 15.81 11.82 83.15 84.09 17 Nagaland 99.36 93.87 97.31 25.64 22.50 28.46 18 Orissa 600.00 245.00 528.04 450.00 367.86 785.45 19 Punjab 281.74 144.46 239.47 227.65 120.34 202.79 20 Rajasthan 1072.53 478.37 744.87 598.74 82.50 497.23 21 Sikkim 31.82 30.06 31.32 6.41 31.72 34.28 22 Tamilnadu 999.81 324.77 679.31 658.09 20.00 350.10 23 Tripura 30.52 20.12 36.80 33.57 40.90 44.61 24 Uttar Pradesh 1402.20 618.38 1246.37 1586.38 604.20 1142.25 25 West Bengal 1109.92 428.41 656.90 849.90 375.00 677.95 26 Delhi 228.75 100.00 162.63 146.25 301.00 393.55 27 Pondicherry 11.67 3.97 3.97 9.96 0.00 0.00 28 Andman & 1.53 0.56 0.60 2.23 13.00 13.00 Nicobar 29 Chandigarh 12.84 8.39 8.55 9.54 16.00 16.00 30 D & N Haveli 0.04 0.31 0.31 1.48 0.00 0.00 31 Daman & Diu 0.88 0.31 0.31 1.48 0.00 0.00 32 Lakshadweep 3.28 0.00 0.00 1.06 9.34 9.34 33 Jharkhand 55.13 54.65 54.76 233.91 73.05 78.32 34 Uttranchal 15.56 15.42 15.53 67.21 93.90 97.16 35 Chattisgarh 36.54 36.22 36.30 183.56 136.36 196.55 Total 13300.0 5410.07 10288.13 10700.00 4205.45 8746.22 HQ 300.00 0.00 70.27 800.00 0.00 948.90 Grant Total 13600.0 5410.07 10358.40 11500.00 4205.45 9695.12 Contd... 2003-2004 Allocation Releases Exp. 600.00 410.00 635.47 30.19 111.31 114.13 411.91 378.00 448.95 608.38 227.00 393.29 13.00 21.00 22.50 506.28 185.00 301.97 619.00 0.00 148.91 61.03 113.00 133.65 86.71 97.92 125.21 497.42 430.00 636.25 318.17 121.95 252.85 545.77 307.00 412.35 968.53 769.26 1399.29 65.88 120.33 126.83 45.92 57.00 58.39 22.56 95.00 97.94 54.90 65.00 68.72 515.00 0.00 364.13 206.68 183.00 267.01 565.31 248.81 502.29 13.72 41.00 42.25 621.34 682.91 982.42 68.49 19.50 30.80 1449.76 814.00 1275.78 802.44 742.00 889.30 138.08 310.00 384.15 9.23 0.00 0.39 1.84 0.00 0.21 9.00 30.06 30.17 1.23 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.21 1.00 3.26 3.27 431.00 338.75 373.60 136.00 248.00 273.39 333.00 481.97 513.91 10760.00 7652.03 11309.98 740.00 0.00 479.66 11500.00 7652.03 11789.64
Status of Unspent Balances as on 30.11.2004 (Rs. In lakhs) Name of the Malaria Fila Kala- Total States/Uts ria azar DBS EAC Andhra Pradesh 64.34 140 204.34 Arunachla 114 0 114 Pradesh Assam 0 28 28 Bihar 350 1116. 1466.83 83 Chattisgarh 77.41 52.5 129.91 Goa 17.5 17.5 Gujarat 186.8 52.5 239.36 6 Haryana 0 Himachal 0 Pradesh J & K 0 Jharkhand 335.4 140 113.3 588.78 6 2 Karnataka 59.5 59.5 Kerala 105 105 Madhya Pradesh 289.8 77 366.86 6 Maharashtra 274.2 105 379.27 7 Manipur 61.2 0 61.28 8 Meghalaya 0 0 0 Mizoram 24 0 24 Nagaland 43.6 0 43.61 1 Orissa 509.8 175 684.89 9 Punjab 0 Rajasthan 160.6 0 160.68 8 sikkim 2 0 2 Tamil Nadu 168 168 Tripura 102. 0 102.45 45 Uttar Pradesh 140 73.15 213.15 Uttaranchal 0 West Bengal 105 238.0 343.03 3 Delhi 0 Pondicherry 7 7 A&N Island 7 7 Chandigarh 0 0 D & N Haveli 7 7 Daman & Diu 7 7 Lakshadweep 7 7 Total 347.34 1898.77 1750 1541.33 5537.44 1.DBS: The unspent balance under DBS is against NE states which includes Rs. 260.70 lakhs relesased on 19.08.2004. 2.EAC:The unspent balance is against cash assistance released to states & District Societies of EMCP States. This includes the release of Rs. 1445 lakhs in September, 2004. This is an ongoing activity and while releaseing grant for current year, the previous balances have been taken into consideration. 3. Filaria:The unspent balance is against cash assistance released to 20 States/Uts for filaria elimination. Though the activities for filaria has been carried out in 18States/Uts, the U.Cs have not been received from the states hence it is shown as unspent balance. Some states have planned the activity in November 2004. 4. Kala-Azar:-since December 2003. DBS - Domestic Budgetary Support EAC - Externally Aided Component NATIONAL VECTOR BORNE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAMME Status of Unspent Balances as on 30.11.2004 (Rs. In lakhs) Name of the Malaria Fila Kala- Total States/Uts ria azar DBS EAC Andhra Pradesh 64.34 140 204.34 Arunachal 114 0 114 Pradesh Assam 0 28 28 Bihar 350 1116.83 1466.83 Chattisgarh 77.41 52.5 129.91 Goa 17.5 17.5 Gujarat 186.86 52.5 239.36 Haryana 0 Himachal 0 Pradesh J & K 0 Jharkhand 335.46 140 113.32 588.78 Karnataka 59.5 59.5 Kerala 105 105 Madhya Pradesh 289.86 77 366.86 Maharashtra 274.27 105 379.27 Manipur 61.28 0 61.28 Meghalaya 0 0 0 Mizoram 24 0 24 Nagaland 43.61 0 43.61 Orissa 509.89 175 684.89 Punjab 0 Rajasthan 160.68 0 160.68 sikkim 2 0 2 Tamil Nadu 168 168 Tripura 102.45 0 102.45 Uttar Pradesh 140 73.15 213.15 Uttaranchal 0 West Bengal 105 238.03 343.03 Delhi 0 Pondicherry 7 7 A&N Island 7 7 Chandigarh 0 0 D & N Haveli 7 7 Daman & Diu 7 7 Lakshadweep 7 7 Total 347.34 1898.77 1750 1541.33 5537.44 1.DBS: The unspent balance under DBS is against NE states which includes Rs. 260.70 lakhs relesased on 19.08.2004. 2.EAC:The unspent balance is against cash assistance released to states & District Societies of EMCP States. This includes the release of Rs. 1445 lakhs in September, 2004. This is an ongoing activity and while releaseing grant for current year, the previous balances have been taken into consideration. 3. Filaria:The unspent balance is against cash assistance released to 20 States/Uts for filaria elimination. Though the activities for filaria has been carried out in 18States/Uts, the U.Cs have not been received from the states hence it is shown as unspent balance. Some states have planned the activity in November 2004. 4. Kala-Azar:-since December 2003. DBS - Domestic Budgetary Support EAC - Externally Aided Component