(a) the salient features of the schemes being implemented in the country for development of Science and Technology, State/UT-wise;

(b) the funds allocated for this purpose during the last three years and the current year along with the amount spent thereon, State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of institutes of Science and Technology functioning, State/UT-wise;and

(d) the capacity of the said institutes with regard to enrolment of students?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Although the Ministry of Science & Technology do not implement any Centrally Sponsored Schemes and do not have any provision for making state-wise allocations, the Ministries work with State Governments for implementation of some Central Schemes like Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) Award scheme, State Science and Technology Programme (SSTP) and Patent Facilitation Cell (PFC) Programme and solicit proposals from them. Details on INSPIRE Award, SSTP and PFC programmes for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 (current year) are given below:

(i) Under INSPIRE Award scheme of Department of Science & Technology (DST), two students are selected from every middle & high school of the country having classes 6 to 10 during a Five Year Plan period for an INSPIRE Award of Rs.5000/- each for preparing a Science Project/Model. Merit based selection of students is done by the State Government machinery involving Headmaster /Headmistress/Principal of the schools. Award amount is directly sent to the selected children in the form of an INSPIRE Award Warrant issued by Bank. The awardees participate in the District Level Exhibition and Project Competitions (DLEPCs) and best 5% to 10% entries from the District are selected for participation in the State Level Exhibitions & Project Competitions (SLEPCs). Best 5% entries from the State/UT, subject to a minimum of 5 are selected to participate in the National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC). Implementation of the scheme is done by the State/UT Governments. All the 28 states and 7 UTs are participating in the scheme. Entire cost for conduct of competitions at various levels is borne by the Central Government. Money is released to State Nodal Officers in-charge of INSPIRE for organizing competitions at District and State Levels.

(ii) Under State Science and Technology Programme (SSTP) of DST annual core grant support has been provided to State Science & Technology Councils in the Country. Core support is provided to State S&T Councils with the objective of facilitating these councils in planning, monitoring and implementing S&T activities in the States. This core grant assistance partially covers support for Scientific, Technical & Administrative manpower, travel, office expenses and modern office equipment etc.

(iii) Under Patent Facilitation Cell (PFC) programme of DST, 24 Patent Information Centres (PICs) are supported in various states for creating awareness and extend assistance on protecting Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) including patent, copyright, geographical indication etc. at state level. These PICs are also creating Intellectual Property Cells in Universities (IPCU) of their respective states. As of now 84 IPCU’s have been created in different universities of the states.

The programme-wise, year-wise grants provided during this period to the states are as under:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Name of 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total Programme (upto Feb.,13)

INSPIRE 8283.40 15125.05 15142.79 12156.40 50707.64 Award (126468) (250009) (243325) (219176) (838978)

SSTP 985.20 1317.64 1480.14 1657.67 5440.65

PFC 45.83 78.00 51.62 97.00 272.45

Total 9314.43 16520.69 16674.55 13911.07 56420.74

figures in brackets indicate the number of INSPIRE Awards to all states.

(c) There are 78 institutes of Science & Technology of this Ministry functioning in different State/UTs as per the details given below:
States	No. of	States	No. of	States	No. of
/UTs	S&T	/UTs	S&T	/UTs	S&T	Insti-	Insti-	Insti-	tutions	tutions	tutions

Andhra Pradesh 6 Jharkhand 2 Punjab 2

Assam 2 Karnataka 8 Rajasthan 1

Delhi 11 Kerala 4 Tamil Nadu 3

Goa 1 Madhya Pradesh 1 Uttar Pradesh 7

Gujarat 2 Maharashtra 5 Uttarakhand 4

Haryana 3 Manipur 1 West Bengal 8

Himachal Pradesh 1 Meghalaya 1 Chandigarh 2

J&K 1 Odisha 2 Grand Total 78

(d) The capacity of these institutes with regard to enrollment of students was 14812 for Ph.D. & Post-graduate degree programmmes during 2012-13.