Question : Construction of Public Toilets

(a) the number of public toilets built by the Government in the States of Telangana and West Bengal during the last five years, district-wise;

(b) the competent authority for allotment of land to public and private agencies for the construction of public toilets in the States of Telangana and West Bengal;

(c) the details of proposals received by the competent authority for such construction during the last five years; and

(d) the status of allotment of land for each of these proposals?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : The number of Public Toilets (PTs) constructed under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) in the State of Telangana and West Bengal during the last five years, as reported by the States on the SBM-U portal, is given below. The district-wise figure of PT is not maintained at the level of the Ministry.

Year Public Toilets Constructed
Telangana West Bengal
As on March 2018 3,498 176
As on March 2019 5,280 176
As on March 2020 5,280 2,660
As on March 2021 6,810 2,660
As on December 2021 12,066 2,660

(b to d) : Sanitation being a State subject under Seventh Schedule of the Constitution, ground level day-to-day activities is done by the concerned State Government/UT. Therefore, allotment of land for construction of public toilets lies within the jurisdiction of concerned State Government and Urban Local Body (ULB). The State Government consolidates the requirements as proposed by the ULBs based on which the Central Share for the projects is released from the Ministry.


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