Question : Proposals from Chhattisgarh

(a) the number of proposals received by her Ministry for development related works from the Government of Chhattisgarh during each of last three years and the current year;

(b) the details of action taken on these proposals and the reasons for pendency of proposals received from Chhattisgarh;

(c) the funds released to the State during the said period, scheme-wise;

(d) whether any time-frame has been fixed for disposing the proposals and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether such delays in disposal of proposals cause hurdles in the development related works and if so, the manner in which cost escalation of works is adjusted?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): The Ministry of Textiles has received following proposals from the various Implementing Agencies in Chhattisgarh including the State Government agencies of Chhattisgarh for promotion of Textiles, handlooms and handicrafts in last three years and the current year. The Scheme-wise release of funds to these projects during each of the last three years and the current year is given as under:-
(Rs. in Lakhs)
S. No. Schemes 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18(till date) Details of the proposals
1 National Handloom Development Programme(NHDP) 51.00 357.50 29.10 102.40 A total of 56 proposals have been received during last three years and current year (till date) out of which 51 projects have been sanctioned with a projected cost of Rs. 1668.04 lakhs.
2 Handicrafts Schemes 39.15 303.59 128.59 27.43 A total of 97 proposals have been received out of which 96 proposals have been approved with a projected cost of Rs.898.14 lakhs.
3 Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) 320 - - - One project for Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) was sanctioned in 2014-15. The project concluded in the same year.
4 ‘Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry(ISDSI)’ - 224 187 112 Three projects under “Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry (ISDSI)” with total cost of Rs. 523 lakhs were sanctioned/released from 2015-16 to 2017-18.
5 Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) 82 84 149 108 Subsidy of Rs. 423 Lakhs was released to 9 Textile Units in the State.


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