Question : SERVICE TAX

(a) the details of service tax evasion cases detected during the last three years alongwith the quantum of money involved therein sector –wise.

(b) the details of steps taken to recover the amount besides imposition of penalty on tax evaders;

(c) the steps being taken/ proposed to be taken to strengthen service tax department?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Details of service tax evasion cases are not maintained sector- wise since there is no sector –wise classification in service tax.

(b) Whenever cases of evasion are detected, show cause notices are issued for recovery of duty as well as imposition of penalty and are then adjudicated.

(c) The proposal for Reorganization of the Field Formations and Cadre Restructuring in CBEC is presently at an advance stage of consideration by the Government of India which envisages strengthening of Service Tax Administration by creation of 15 additional exclusive Service Tax Commissionerates, over and above existing 7 Service Tax Commissionerates and creation of four exclusive Service Tax Zones. It also envisages creation of 6 exclusive Service Tax Audit Commissionerates. The proposed reorganization of Service Tax administration will enable the Department to deploy more staff for improving the efficiency and efficacy of the Department in Service Tax.