Question : NSDC

(a) the salient features of the functioning of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and the budget allocated to NSDC since its inception;

(b) the quantum of funds disbursed and the number of persons trained, during the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether the Government has formulated any policy for improvement in performance in the field of skill development and proper utilisation of funds in quality training programmes providing employable skills to the trainees; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor along with the corrective steps taken in the matter ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) was established in the year 2009 as a not-for-profit company under the Companies Act, 1956 as a public- private partnership entity. NSDC aims to scale up skill development efforts and improve standards of skill development activities through active participation of the industry, businesses and the private sector. Specifically, NSDC supports three key activities, namely – (1) Creation of large private training partners to impart high quality training in various skills; (2) Provide debt and equity funding for private training partners; and (3) Creation of industry-led Sector Skill Council(s). In addition, since 2013-14, NSDC has been implementing STAR (Standard, Training, Assessment and Reward) Scheme to support youth from around the country in skill development and UDAAN Scheme on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs for youth from Jammu & Kashmir. An allocation of Rs. 1745 crore has been provided for NSDC’s core activities, Rs. 1000 crore for STAR Scheme and Rs. 82.61 crore for UDAAN Scheme since inception.

(b) Under the core funding, NSDC has so far approved 161 proposals of private training partners for skilling projects and supported formation of 31 Sector Skill Councils with total financial commitment of Rs 2,370 Crore.

Till date, NSDC has disbursed Rs 942 Crore for skilling projects, Rs 480 crore under STAR Scheme and Rs 42.7 crore for Udaan Scheme.

Since inception in 2009 and up to 31st October 2014, NSDC funded partners have trained 34. 4 lakh persons (including those under STAR Scheme). During the year 2013-14, NSDC has trained 13.5 lakh persons (including those under STAR Scheme).

(c) & (d) The Central Government has now established a separate and new Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to ensure coordinated approach in skill development and for better utilization of funds in providing quality training for skill development at a larger scale than before. The new Ministry has undertaken a review of skill development policy in the country. Further, in order to ensure better utilization of funds, rationalization of all skill development schemes of various Central Ministries/ Departments has been undertaken. For this a Committee was formed and its report has already been received.

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