(a) the total number of employees working in Air India at present along with its employee-to-aircraft ratio in comparison to other airlines operating in the country;

(b) whether Air India has been incurring huge losses during the past few years and if so, the details of the losses incurred by it during the said period and the steps taken by the Government to make Air India viable and profitable;

(c) whether the Government has received a large number of complaints regarding abscnteeisin/indiscipliine / maladministration/ mismanagement/ corruption in Air India during the said period and if so, the details thereof along with the action taken thereon;

(d) whether Air India has sold or planning to sell a number of its aircraft to private airlines at very low price and if so, the reasons therefor and the action taken by the Government in this regard; and

(e) the details of such routes of Air India which have been allocated to private airlines along with the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION (Dr Mahcsh Sharma)

(a) : The total Strength of employees working in Air India as on 01.01.2015 is 11860 (excluding two subsidiary companies i.e. Air India Engineering Services Ltd (AIESL) and Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL) which have been hived off). The Aircraft Employee Ratio to Air India as on 01.01.2015 is 1:122, which is comparable to some of the other airlines operating in the country.

(b) : Yes, Madam, Air India has been incurring losses during the past few years. The financial parameters of Air India for the years 201112 to 2013-14 (Provisional) arc at Annexure-L

The Government has approved Turnaround Plan (TAP) and Financial Restructuring Plan (FRP) to improve the operational and financial performance of Air India. Under TAP and FRP, Govt, of India approved the infusion of the equity of Rs.30231 crores upto 2021, subject to the achievement of certain laid down milestones by Air India. In this regard, an Oversight Committee comprising of Secretary Civil Aviation, Expenditure Secretary, AS&FA and Joint Secretary of MoCA has been constituted to closely monitor performance of Air India vis-a-vis milestones set in the TAP.

(c) : The details of complaints regarding absenteeism/ indiscipline/ maladministration/ mismanagement/ corruption etc. in Air India during last 3 years are at annexure-II.

(d) : No, Madam. However, Air India has hosted an open tender for the sale of 5 R777- 200 LR aircraft in May 2013. After due process of evaluation these 5 aircraft were sold to Etihad Airways for a total consideration of USD 336.6 million.

(e) : Grant of traffic rights to scheduled domestic carriers depends on the request received from them based on their commercial judgment and availability of traffic rights to operate on international route. While allocating traffic rights, priority is given to the operational plan of Air India.

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