Question : BharatNet Project in Maharashtra

(a) the present status of phase-II BharatNet project in various States in the country including Maharashtra;

(b) whether the Government of Maharashtra has submitted any proposal to Central Government seeking additional allocation as per tender cost, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) needs and search for extra BOs under the said project;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the decision taken by the Government thereon;

(d) whether the Central Government has approved the proposal and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor along with the time by which the said proposal is likely to be approved; and

(e) the steps being taken by the Government for the extension of phase-II of BharatNet project in various States in the country particularly in Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister


(a) BharatNet project is being implemented in a phased manner to provide broadband connectivity to all the Gram Panchayats (approx. 2,50,000) in the country, including Maharashtra. Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) is the Executing Agency for the project.

BharatNet Phase-II is being implemented under State-led Model, Private Sector and CPSU Model. In Maharashtra, the Phase-II is being implemented under State-led model. The State/UT-wise details of the Service Ready GPs under BharatNet Phase-II are given in Annexure-I.

(b) to (d) The Government of Maharashtra had submitted a proposal for revised architecture, including Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) in October, 2018 for a CAPEX amount of Rs. 3789 crore.

The proposal was examined and as the Cabinet approval is for linear architecture and GPON technology, the Telecom Commission(now known as Digital Communications Commission) in its meeting held on 17.10.2018, approved revised CAPEX of Rs. 2980.65crore. The additional cost towards enhanced network architecture and technology, beyond Rs. 2980.65crore, is to be borne by the State Government of Maharashtra.

(e) The BharatNet project was envisaged to be completed by August 2021. However, this time will now be extended as the pace of completion is affected by lockdown and restrictions on movement imposed by the various Governments due to COVID-19.

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