Question : Pending Dues of MSMEs

(a) whether the Central Ministries and PSUs have cleared the dues to MSMEs in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of total amount owed and cleared by the Central Ministries and PSUs as on date;

(c) the funds released/disbursed to MSMEs in the State of Odisha by Ministries of GOI/CPSUs/Agencies out of pending dues; and

(d) the timeline by which the pending dues would be paid and the reasons for the delay, if any?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The status of payment of MSME dues by Central Government Ministries/CPSEs as on 18.09.2020 is as below .
Reported Month Total Dues by close of month (in Rs. Crores) Paid during the month (Rs. Crores) Pending at the end of month (Rs. Crores)
May 2020 (25 Ministries & 79 CPSEs Reported) 2349.53 1787.89 561.64
June 2020 (25 Ministries & 86 CPSEs Reported) 2553.94 1905.11 648.83
July 2020 (30 Ministries & 108 CPSEs Reported) 4124.34 3155.16 969.19
August 2020 (24 Ministries & 86 CPSEs Reported As on 18th Sep., 2020) 3795.67 2944.07 851.60

(c): The funds released/disbursed to MSMEs in the State of Odisha by Ministries of GOI/CPSUs/Agencies out of pending dues as on 18.09.2020 is given at Annexure. ( The status of pending dues is as per applications/cases filed in the Micro Small Enterprises Facilitation Councils (MSEFCs) in the State of Odisha and also does not include the payments made in the cases where no dispute is involved).

(d): Government has taken many steps to get the dues payable to the MSMEs cleared by public sector units of State and Central Governments. The Ministry has taken up the subject vigorously with the Central Ministries, CPSEs and State Governments and Corporate World.

In order to promote greater discipline and timeliness in payment to vendors, the government has issued guidelines that whenever a Consignee Receipt and Acceptance Certificate (CRAC) in the Government e- Market place (GeM) is issued by a buyer and payment is not made within 10 days thereafter, the buyer organization will be required to pay penal interest @ 1% per month for the delayed payment beyond the prescribed timeline till the date of such payment. The charge of interest shall be prorated for the period of delay For example, if CRAC is generated on the 1st day of a month and payment is made by the buyer organization on the 20th day of the month, interest for 10 days will be charged. The penal interest will be 10/30 multiplied by 1% i.e. 0.33% .

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