(a) the details of Centrally-aided projects in Assam to protect soil erosion including Nimali&Majuli islands;

(b) whether the Government proposes to declare the flood and soil erosion problem of Assam as a national calamity;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the amount of Central funds released duringthe last three years and current year for the purpose for flood control and soil erosion ;

(d) the details of the loss of land and lives due to erosion in Brahmaputra valley during the last five years; and

(e) whether the Government has taken any step to save the lives and property of the people living on the banks of Brahmaputra, if so, the details thereof and measures taken therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) During XI Plan, the Government of India had launched Flood Management Programme (FMP) for providing central assistance to States for works related to flood management/ anti-erosion and anti-sea erosion. In October, 2013, the Cabinet approved continuation of FMP during XII Plan. During XI Plan, a total of 100 nos. projects of Assam including a project at Nimati were approved under FMP and central assistance of Rs. 744.90 crore was released. During XII Plan, a total of 41 nos. new projects of Assam have been approved under FMP. Further central assistance of Rs. 2.51 crore was also released in XII Plan for completion of ongoing works.

Besides, Brahmaputra Board has taken up implementation of works related to protection of Majuli island in Assam from floods and erosion caused due to Brahmaputra River. These works are carried out with grants-in-aid providedby the Government of India. An expenditure of Rs. 155.38 crore has been incurred by Brahmaputra Board on various immediate, emergent Phase- I, II & III works of Majuli Island from January,2004 to June, 2014.

(b) No Madam.

(c) The details of funds released to the Government of Assam under Flood Management Programme and expenditure incurred by Brahmaputra Board on measures for protection of majuli Island during the last three years i.e. 2011-12 to 2013-14 and the current year i.e. 2014-15 are given below:

Sl. Scheme/ Funds Released No. Programme (Rs. in crore) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1 Flood 235.98 2.51 Nil Nil Management Programme 2. Protection of 12.65 26.88 25.63 2.45 Majuli Island from Floods and Erosion

(d) As per data compiled by Central Water Commission (CWC), in Brahmaputra valley, an area of 0.938 million hectare was affected due to floods in Assam and 178 human lives were lost during the last five years i.e. 2009 to 2013.

(e) Management of floods and required measures for safety of people fall within the purview of the State Governments. Accordingly, the plans for safety of people and their properties are formulated by the concerned State Governments as per their priorities and available resources. The Government of India also assists the State Governments during severe floods by providing services of para military forces for evacuation of flood affected people and providing other immediate relief measures.

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