Question : Survey of NRHM

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has any proposal to conduct a survey to find the shortcomings in the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and if so, the details and objectives thereof;

(b) the funds allocated to the State Governments under the said Mission;

(c) whether the Government has received any complaints against shortage of medicines in several hospitals under NRHM and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a): No. However, working of National Health Mission (NHM) is reviewed/assessed inter-alia through external surveys such as, National Family Health Survey (NFHS), District Level Household Survey (DLHS), Annual Health Survey (AHS) and Sample Registration System (SRS). Further, Common Review Missions (CRMs) also undertake a review of NRHM/NHM every year. The report of 11th CRM is available in public domain as under:

Apart from above, the programme is also monitored through video conferences, programme specific reviews and integrated monitoring visits are also undertaken by senior officers of the Ministry and other representatives. Theme based consultations are also held with the States/UTs regarding various activities under NHM. Further, during the process of appraisal and discussions on Programme Implementation Plans submitted by the States/UTs, their performance under NHM during the previous year is reviewed.

(b): A Statement showing funds allocated to the state Government under the said Mission during last three financial years is at Annexure.

(c): Public Health being a State subject the primary responsibility to ensure the availability of essential medicines is that of respective State/ UT Governments. Under the National Health Mission, the central government supplements the efforts of state governments to strengthen their healthcare system based on proposals of the State Governments. Therefore, as and when complaints regarding shortage of medicines under NHM/ NRHM are received, same are forwarded to respective State Governments for examination and appropriate action.

(d): Under the NHM, financial and technical support is provided to the States/UTs not only for provision of essential drugs free of cost in public health facilities but also for strengthening/setting up robust systems of procurement, quality assurance mechanism, warehousing, prescription audit, grievance redressal, dissemination of Standard Treatment Guidelines, and IT backed supply chain management systems like Drugs and Vaccines Distribution Management Systems (DVDMS).

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