(a) whether the number of people including children and youth suffering from various types of diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, are on the rise in the country;

(b) if so, the number of such cases and deaths reported during each of the last three years and the current year along with the remedial steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard, State/ UT-wise;

(c) whether certain drugs being used for treatment of type 2 diabetes reportedly carry the risk of heart attack and stroke;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to prohibit manufacturing and sale of such drugs; and

(e) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to ensure quality, safety and efficacy of drugs for treatment of various types of diabetes in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b):The International Diabetes Federation estimates that 65.1 million persons aged 20 years and above in India had diabetes in 2013 as against 51 million persons in 2009. Type 2 diabetes pre-dominantly affects adults aged 20 years and above. As per preliminary data gathered by Indian Council of Medical research (ICMR), more cases of type 2 diabetes among children are now reported. However, no conclusion regarding fast spread of type 2 diabetes among children can be drawn. State/UT wise and year-wise data on number of persons affected by diabetes and deaths is not routinely collected.

Government of India has launched National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) which is implemented for interventions up to District level under the National Health Mission. NPCDCS has a focus on awareness generation for behaviour and life-style changes, screening and early diagnosis of persons with high level of risk factors and their referral to higher facilities for appropriate management.

While Health is a State subject, the Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Governments for improving healthcare. Facilities including those for testing and treatment for Diabetes are provided in various Government Institutions. In addition, under NPCDCS, diagnosis and treatment facilities are provided through different levels of healthcare including NCD Clinics located in District Hospitals and Community Health Centres (CHCs).

(c) to (e): The anti-diabetic drug “Rosiglitazone” which was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events was prohibited for manufacture, sale and distribution in the country vide Gazette Notification GSR 910(E) dated 12.11.2010. Quality of approved medicines, including medicines for treatment of diabetes, are regulated under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and rules made thereunder, through a system of inspection, licensing, random sampling and testing. In case any drug is likely to pose health risk(s) to human beings or that drug does not have the therapeutic value claimed or purported to be claimed or it contains ingredients for which there is no therapeutic justification, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, regulate, restrict or prohibit the manufacture, sale or distribution of such a drug in public interest under Section 26 A or Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940. The safety issue of drug formulations, as and when reported, are assessed in consultation with the Expert Committees / Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB). Based on the recommendations of the Expert Committees / DTAB, the Central Government prohibits manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs considered harmful for human consumption in the country through Gazette Notification.

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