Question : Shortage of Staff in ESI Hospitals

(a)whether it is a fact that the ESI hospitals are running with shortage of staff which is leading to crisis in the ESI Hospital services to the employees and if so, the details thereof;
(b)whether any study has been conducted by the Government to evaluate the present state of affairs, if so, the details thereof; and
(c)the steps being taken by the Government to fill up the vacant posts in ESI hospitals at least in view of the health factor of the employees?

Answer given by the minister


(a): There is a general shortage of doctors and other healthcare staff in the country including ESI hospitals. However, ESI beneficiaries are provided required medical care services through empanelled private/Govt. hospitals if the same is not available in ESI hospitals. Details regarding shortage of staff in ESI hospitals is placed at Annexure.

(b): ESI Corporation, from time to time, conducts inspection visit to evaluate state of affairs of various medical services provided by ESI Hospitals. Details regarding various ways through which such evaluation is carried out, are as under:
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• Field visit by ESI Corporation Member to ESI health Institutions to review/recommend on the status of health services.
• Submission of ESI Hospital inspection report to ESIC Head Quarters Office by Regional Director/State Medical Officer of the respective visiting states.
• Regular submission of D.O. letter by Medical Superintendents to ESIC Head Quarters Office, on the status of services provided by respective hospitals.
Besides, a Task force has been constituted by Government of India to improve services at ESI Hospital.
(c): Steps being taken to fill up vacant posts in ESIC Hospital, are as under:
i. 40% of the sanctioned posts under the General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) sub cadre in ESIC hospitals are being filled with Senior Residents by Medical Superintendents at local level.
ii. In addition, 10 Senior Residents posts per 100 beds have also been sanctioned over and above the sanctioned post of GDMOs. These are also filled by Medical Superintendents locally.
iii. The Medical Superintendents have been authorized to recruit super specialist and specialists on part time contract basis till regular incumbents become available.
iv. Medical Superintendents of ESIC hospitals have also been authorized to engage, under certain situations, Nursing & Para-medical staff through agencies on short term basis.
v. Recruitment of Nursing & Para-medical staff on regular basis.
Further, Steps taken to fill up vacant posts in ESIS Hospital, are as under:
1) ESI Corporation is encouraging various State Governments to set up a State Level Society which shall speed up filling of vacant posts in ESI Hospitals in the State.
2) The State Government has been asked to maintain minimum level of manpower, vis-à-vis sanctioned strength as per ESIC Norms.
3) ESI Corporation has decided to bear entire expenditure within the ceiling on medical care incurred by the State Government for an initial period of 3 years w.e.f. 2018-19.

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