(a) the details of land acquired by the Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) in Chicholi area ( near Subhai village) of Chandrapur district of Maharashtra for underground mining and the year in which the land has been acquired;

(b) the compensation so far paid to the affected persons and the claims of compensation still pending;

(c) the number of jobs so far provided by the WCL to the nominees of persons whose land has been acquired as per the policy of the Coal India Limited;

(d) the total investment made by WCL in Chicholi area for undermining work and for providing other infrastructure there;

(e) whether underground mining work has now been stopped;

(f) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(g) the time by which the mining work is likely to re- start there ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Total 70.72 Hectares of land has been acquired by Western Coalfields Limited for Chicholi underground mine ( near Subhai village) as per detail given below:

Year Type of Land	Area in Hectares
1990 Under Coal Bearing Areas Act 1957 45.96 (a)Tenancy Land 17.28 (b) Govt. Land 63.24 Sub Total 1996 Under Land Acquisition Act 7.48
TOTAL 70.72

(b) Out of Rs. 43,59,158/-approved by the Department of Coal as compensation for the land acquired under Coal Bearing Areas (A&D) Act, 1957 a sum of Rs. 34,40,162/- has been disbursed to land losers by WCL. Under Land Acquisition Act, an amount of Rs. 3,36,857/- has been deposited with Land Acquisition Officer.

(c) 28 persons have been provided employment by Western Coalfields Limited.

(d) WCL has invested Rs. 490.84 lakhs for mining work and Rs. 401.27 lakhs for other infrastructures.

(e)& (f) Yes, Sir. The mines were closed because of heavy losses and adverse geo- mining conditions. No support system was found suitable and economical as per National Institute of Rock Mechanics, Bangalore;

(g) A project report for extracting a part of coal reserves by open cast method is under preparation at Central Mine Planning and Design Institute. If the project shows financial and technical viability, it will be approved and an open cast mine will be opened.