(a) whether the Government proposes to give special assistance to upgrade the expand infrastructure to tackle the problem of militancy and insurgency in various parts of the country and especially in the North-Eastern States;

(b) if so, the details of assistance provided to various States during each of the last three years;

(c) the details of development work implemented in various States during the said period; and

(d) the steps taken by the Government to expedite the developmental works?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Government of India already has different Schemes for special assistance to States affected by militancy. The States of J&K and those in North-Eastern Region affected by insurgency/militancy/terrorism have been included in Category `A` with 100% Central funding and the rest of the States have been included in Category `B` with 75% Central funding for the Scheme for Modernization of Police Forces. A special component for strengthening police infrastructure in the Naxal affected districts has been provided by making a provision of Rs.2.00 crore per affected district per year initially for a period of 5 years. Similarly, provision has been made for providing Rs. 1.00 crore per district per year initially for a period of 5 years for the 30 districts situated on the Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders.

Further, Government of India is implementing the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme for six North Eastern States affected by insurgency and nine States affected by naxalism or militancy and the State of Jammu & Kashmir. Under the Scheme, expenditure incurred by the States for combating insurgency, naxalism is reimbursed in the manner specified under the Scheme.

In addition to the assistance provided under the Scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces and the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) scheme, States affected by militancy are also provided assistance under the backward districts initiative (BDI) scheme and the border area development programme (BADP) for various development programmes such as construction of roads , education, health facility, and other social a infrastructural projects.Statewise details of Central funds released in the last two/three years for modernization of police forces, SRE scheme, BADP scheme and BDI scheme are given at Annexure I, II, III and IV respectively.

(d): Government of India has been exhorting the concerned State governments to speed up the developmental expenditure under these schemes.


Scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces

(Rs. in crore)
Name of State Central funds released during 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Andhra Pradesh 81.32 69.46 79.93
Arunachal Pradesh 5.20 7.24 9.13
Assam 16.50 36.52 41.37
Bihar 11.50 0.43 45.25
Chhatisgararh 16.70 17.47 32.72
Goa 2.00 1.40 0.28
Gujarat 50.00 42.21 39.54
Haryana 22.10 20.00 22.13
Himachal 6.20 0.69 2.57
J&K 28.50 25.00 110.89
Jharkhand 12.73 8.50 22.33
Karnataka 75.00 69.31 58.87
Kerala 25.13 22.00 26.55
Madhya Pradesh 51.33 48.24 42.27
Maharashtra 67.94 62.84 71.00
Manipur 0.73 11.50 15.24
Meghalaya 0.55 5.29 7.58
Mizoram 5.50 8.47 7.45
Nagaland 9.95 21.00 13.09
Orissa 16.76 21.91 27.76
Punjab 32.10 19.34 21.79
Rajasthan 16.17 43.10 42.67
Sikkim 0.09 00.94 5.90
Tamil Nadu 68.10 54.98 56.78
Tripura 5.60 12.83 11.17
Uttar Pradesh 60.39 65.02 108.55
Uttaranchal 6.58 7.41 7.99
West Bengal 0.33 2.17 29.20
TOTAL 695.00 705.27 960.00

Annexure II referred in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1773 for answer on 07-03-2006.
Security Related Expenditure Scheme in North East States
(Rs. in crore) Name of State Central funds released during
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Assam 68.01 50.80 75.40
Nagaland 22.42 19.17 26.49
Manipur 7.75 4.00 9.44
Tripura 29.85 34.33 36.17
Arunachal Pradesh 0.95 2.47 1.35
Meghalaya 8.35 1.92 1.96
Total 137.22 112.69 150.41

Security Related Expenditure Scheme in naxal affected States

(Rs. in crore) Name of State Central funds released during
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Andhra Pradesh 217.35 221.00 282.00
Bihar 180.00 43.68 60.41
Madhya Pradesh 82.37 139.82 23.52
Maharashtra 81.42 125.55
Orissa 168.00 86.85 65.77
Chattisgarh 36.83 (2000-01) 160.87 200.00 186.66 (2001-02)

Jharkhand 54.00 98.07 341.27
Uttar Pradesh 29.17
West Bengal
Total 954.38 831.71 1098.52

Security Related Expenditure Scheme in Jammu & Kashmir

(Rs. in crore)
Name of State Central funds released during
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Jammu & Kashmir 193.65 212.39 132.68
Annexure III referred in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1773 for answer on 07-03-2006.

Border Area Development Programme

(Rs. in crore)
Name of State Central funds released during
2004-05 2005-06 Arunachal Pradesh 13.51 16.81
Assam 9.98 10.81
Bihar 7.28 16.93
Gujarat 13.13 10.88
Himachal Pradesh 11.48 5.53
J&K 86.95 75.00
Manipur 5.55 5.27
Meghalaya 9.00 4.94
Mizoram 15.56 8.71
Nagaland 4.16 4.16
Punjab 9.92 10.08
Rajasthan 36.95 36.87
Sikkim 12.56 3.42
Tripura 21.09 12.69
Uttar Pradesh 16.54 10.75
Uttaranchal 13.89 9.27
West Bengal 37.39 37.58

TOTAL 324.94 279.70

Annexure-IV referred in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1773 for answer on 07-03-2006.

Backward Districts Initiative (BDI)
The Planning Commission has sanctioned Rs.2475 crore (Rs.15 crore per District per year for three years starting from 2003-04) to the naxal affected States under BDI component of Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY) to fill in the critical gaps in social and physical infrastructure in the naxal affected districts. Details of the funds released to the naxal affected States under this Scheme during the years 2004-05 and 2005-06 are as under:-

(Rupees in crore)
States 2004-05 2005-06
Andhra Pradesh 62.50 7.50
Bihar 60.00 30.00
Jharkhand 97.50 105.00
Madhya Pradesh 22.50 22.50
Chattisgarh 50.00 67.50
Maharashtra 30.00 22.50
Orissa 27.50 30.00
Uttar Pradesh 25.00 22.50
West Bengal 20.00 15.00

2. The Central Government regularly monitors the progress of utilization of funds by the States and has asked them to improve delivery mechanisms to speed up the pace of development and censure full utilization of the assistance being provided by the Central Government.