Question : Affordable Rental Housing Complexes Scheme

(a) whether an Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) scheme for migrants who went back home during lockdown has been approved by the Government under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the time-frame and the details of the roll-
out of the first phase of the ARHCs scheme, State-wise;

(c) the extent to which existing protections against tenant eviction and provisions for rent control shall apply to properties under the scheme;

(d) the manner in which the Government proposes to undertake and expedite the beneficiary mapping process;

(e) the scope for purchase of property rented under the scheme by beneficiaries at a given point of time in future; and

(f) the details of beneficiaries under the scheme, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (f): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.



Statement referred in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 74 for 02.12.2021 regarding ‘affordable rental housing complexes scheme’

(a): Yes, Sir. The details of the ARHCs Scheme are available at

(b): The projects received from States/Union Territories (UTs) under ARHCs are to be considered for approvaltill PMAY-U Mission period i.e. March 2022. Scheme has already been rolled out for all States/ UTs.

(c): In order to safeguard the interest of stakeholders including protections against tenants eviction and avoid conflict/complication, ARHCshave been kept outside the purview of existing State Rental Laws of concerned States/UTs. ARHCs will be governed by the legislation enacted fresh or amended from the existing legislation based on Model Tenancy Act (MTA) circulated to the States/ UTs for speedy dispute resolution.

(d): As per Scheme guidelines, Public/Private Entities may use ARHCs to provide accommodations to their own workers/labourers as well as serve the requirement of neighbouring Entities. Further,guidelines permit collaboration with other Entities/Organizations or get migrant labourers/urban poor through Aggregators by deducting the rent directly from the salary/fee/any kind of remuneration etc. of tenants.

(e): ARHCs scheme is to provide rental accommodation to migrant labourers/urban poor only and there is no provision for purchase of the dwelling unit by beneficiaries.

(f): The State/UT-wise details of the existing vacant houses converted into ARHCs for the beneficiaries and ARHCs sanctioned for Public/ Private Entities to be constructed on their available land are at Annexure.


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