Question : Increasing Energy Consumption

(a) the amount of budget required by the Government for promotion of the field of refining pipelines and gas terminals;
(b) whether energy needs have increased in India and whether the Government is working on any plan for fulfilling the demand of global fuel in next few decades, if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the quantity of natural gas required for fulfilling the Natural Gas consumption by 2030 and whether the Government has prepared any plan for its supply, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Development of India’s energy infrastructure will involve huge investments in oil and gas infrastructure of more than 100 billion dollars including in exploration and production of oil and gas, oil refining, pipelines, city gas distribution networks and LNG terminals. Important sectors having thousands of crores of investment potential include, oil and gas exploration and production, gas pipelines infrastructure for connecting national gas grid, city gas distribution networks in the newly authorised geographical areas, LNG terminals, compressed bio-gas plants, capacity addition of refineries, fertiliser plants, petro-chemical parks and ancillary industries and CNG auto sector.
(b) & (c) India is the 3rd largest energy as well as crude oil consumer in the world. Increasing prosperity, higher living standards and burgeoning middle class are driving energy demand. India’s share in total global primary energy demand is set to double to 11% by 2040. To meet the increased requirement of hydrocarbon fuel, the major strategies adopted include; attracting investment in E&P to enhance domestic oil and gas production, shifting to gas based economy,
technological upgradation to meet refinery processes, energy efficiency and productivity, accelerating bio-fuel economy, expanding overseas oil and gas portfolio, diversifying oil and gas supply sources, driving infrastructure spending in oil and gas sector etc. As per BP Energy Outlook, 2019, the gas consumption of India in 2040 is estimated to be 185 billion cubic meters.

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