Question : Small Saving Schemes

(a) the details of the number of Small Saving Schemes- operational along with their subscribers across the country, State/UT-wise including Kerala, West Bengal, Maharashtra;
(b) the time by which the Government is likely to implement the proposed amendments/changes in the Small Savings Schemes;
(c) whether the Government proposes to increase the number of beneficiaries under Public Provident Fund (PPF) and to include such persons under PPF deprived by their employers;
(d) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken in this regard; and
(e) whether the Government has devised any mechanism to protect the small savings of poor people who invest their savings in the fake savings scheme particularly in rural areas, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Sir, the State/UT-wise details of number pf accounts under Small Savings Schemes are attached as Annex.-1 and Annex.-2.

(b) No time limit has been set in this regard.

(c) & (d) The Public Provident Fund Scheme is a deposit scheme and available to every citizen of India.

(e) The Government of India has taken various steps throughout the country from time to time to make people aware about investment in fake savings schemes such as Investor Awareness Programme, formation of State Level Co-ordination Committee including ''SACHET web portal and introduction of the Protection of Interest of Depositors'' Act.

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