Question : Complaints against Consumer Courts

(a) whether the Government has received complaints against the consumer courts for improper functioning and delay in disposal of cases;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of cases registered, disposed and pending during the last three years along with the action taken to improve the system;

(c) whether the Government is working with various trade bodies to minimize the cases of duping of consumers by the companies and if so, the details thereof and response of the industry thereto; and

(d) whether the Government has a proposal to establish a study group to suggest some more measures to protect the rights of consumers apart from the court route and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Yes, Madam.

(b : The details of such complaints received during the last three years is as under:-

Year Number
2013 47
2014 28
2015 70

These complaints were forwarded to the National Commission, State Commissions and the State Governments concerned for taking necessary action.

The steps taken to improve the functioning of the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions/Fora and to ensure disposal of pending cases are as under:

(i) The State Governments have been requested from time to time to take action well in advance
filling up of vacancies of President and Members and to maintain a panel of candidates for
filling up of future vacancies also to avoid delay in appointments.

(ii) Circuit Benches from National Commission have been frequently holding camp courts in States.

(iii) Some State Commissions have constituted Additional Benches mainly to dispose of backlog of
pending cases.

(iv) The National Commission and some of the State Commissions as well as District Fora are
adopting the process of holding Lok Adalats for speedy disposal of the cases.

(v) The central Government has been providing financial assistance to the State Governments for
strengthening the infrastructure of the consumer disputes redressal Commissions/Fora.

(c) : The Government has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Industry
associations and chamber of commerce, to work towards, inter alia, addressing consumer related issues and advocacy action against unfair trade practices and preventing fake, counterfeit and sub-standard products and services to enhance consumer protection.

(d) : There is no such proposal at present.


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