(a) & (b): Yes, Sir. The Central Government has formulated a National Policy on Co-
operatives aimed at the all round development of the co-operatives. The focus of the National
Policy is on professionalisation of co-operatives and democratisation of their management to
facilitate their development as self-reliant and economically viable organisations providing their
members improved access anticipated in various economic spheres, safeguarding them against
market imperfections and bestowing on them the advantages of collective action. The
Government as a facilitator, will provide necessary support, encouragement and assistance to
co-operative societies to ensure that they work as autonomous, self-reliant and viable economic
(c): State-wise outlays of funds for the co-operative sector during Ninth and Tenth Five Year
Plan is annexed.
Rs. in Lakhs
S.No State/UTs 9th Five year Plan 10th Five year Plan (Agreed Outlay) (Projected Outlay)
1. Andhra Pradesh 1500.00 5068.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 996.00 1955.00
3. Assam 9000.00 6239.00
4. Bihar NA 20889.00
5. Chhattisgarh - 9573.00
6. Goa NA 2000.00
7 Gujarat 1500.00 11700.00
8. Haryana 7277.00 4971.00
9. Himachal Pradesh 2200.00 1990.00
10. Jammu & Kashmir 541.00 2775.00
11. Jharkhand - 7900.00
12. Karnataka 16000.00 7854.00
13. Kerala NA 10000.00
14. Madhya Pradesh 11833.00 21989.00
15. Maharashtra 32678.00 83114.00
16. Manipur 1000.00 847.00
17. Meghalaya 2400.00 1700.00
18. Mizoram 1140.00 1398.00
19. Nagaland 2000.00 550.00
20. Orissa NA 7221.00
21. Punjab 2736.00 3655.00
22. Rajasthan 12220.00 1790.00
23. Sikkim 1600.00 1200.00
24. Tamil Nadu NA 4230.00
25. Tripura 1260.00 1802.00
26. Uttar Pradesh 4885.00 6500.00
27. Uttaranchal - 990.00
28. West Bengal 5942.06 8995.00
29. Andaman & Nicobar 695.00 2510.00 Islands
30. Chandigarh 36.00 55.00
31. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 184.00 53.50
32. Daman & Diu 34.00 84.00
33. Delhi 417.00 300.00
34. Lakshadweep 589.83 2730.27
35. Pondicherry NA 4800.00