Question : Tehbazari in NDMC

(a) the criteria adopted/rules prescribed with regard to transfer of allotted tehbazari under the control of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) areas in the name of family members (legal heirs) of the allotted person of tehbazari;

(b) the name of the applicants including allottee of M-Block Tehbazari, Janpath who have submitted their requests so far for transfer of Tehbazari on legal heir basis in their names of Janpath area including area of Indian Oil Building site along with the present status of each application;

(c) the documents required for transforming of Tehbazari in the name of legal heirs of street vendors of the said site; and

(d) the efforts made/being made by the Government to clear the pending requests and the time by which such requests are likely to be cleared, case-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has informed that as per Section 5(2) of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act 2014, where a street vendor to whom a certificate of vending is issued dies or suffers from any permanent disability or is ill, one of his family members in following order of priority, may vend in his place, till the validity of the certificate of vending -
a. spouse of the street vendor,
b. dependent child of the street vendor,

LS.US.Q.NO.4443 FOR 08.01.2019
provided that where a dispute arises as to who is entitled to vend in the place of the vendor, the matter is decided by the Town Vending Committee under Section 20 of the Act.
As per the records available, 19 applications for transfer of Tehbazari on legal heir basis in Janpath area have so far been received.
The NDMC has also informed that as per Section 38 of the above said Act, in the case of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), the Government of NCT of Delhi has to prepare a scheme which will specify, inter-alia, the criteria for issuing certificate of vending to the street vendors. The Government of NCT of Delhi has prepared a draft scheme in this regard and has sought comments of the stakeholders thereon. The final scheme is yet is to be promulgated as per information available till 03.01.2019.


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