(a) whether the planning for the Commonwealth Games 2010 is not as per schedule as per the report of the Evaluation Commission headed by Austin Sealy;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the reaction of the Government thereto; and

(d) the efforts made by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) No, Sir.

(b) Does not arise.

(c) & (d) : Government are conscious of the need to ensure proper planning and timely preparation for the Commonwealth Games, 2010 and to this end a number of institutional arrangements have been made.These include a Core Group of Ministers (GoM) under the co-Chairmanship of the Minister for Human Resource Development and the Home Minister for coordinating the various works related to the conduct of the Games an Apex Committee headed by the Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports to oversee preparations an Organizing Committee (OC) headed by the President, Indian Olympic Association for the conduct of the Games and a Committee of Secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the GoM and taking decisions on other related matters.In addition to these arrangements at the Central level, there is a sub-committee under the Chief Minister of Delhi to take decisions in respect of all matters pertaining to infrastructure and other preparations for the Games within the jurisdiction of the Government of NCT of Delhi.The Lt. Governor Delhi has been entrusted with the overall responsibility for matters coming under DDA and with specific reference to security and law and order.

Locations for the various competitions/training venues and International Broadcasting Centre (IBC)/Main Press Centre (MPC) have been agreed among the stakeholders. All stakeholders have indicated specific time-lines with reference to key milestones, viz., finalization of detailed designs and estimates, commencement of the tendering process,award of the work, commencement of the work, completion of the work; and handing over to OC.It is expected that work on all the major sports venue infrastructure projects will commence before December, 2007 and the venues will be handed over to the OC by the end of 2009. An Empowered Committee has been set up under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, GNCTD, with representatives from all the agencies/ authorities concerned to facilitate speedy clearances in respect of Games-related projects.Another Committee has been set up by under Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development to facilitate clearances pertaining to the Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC).Keeping in view the need for developing adequate tourist accommodation in readiness for the large expected influx of visitors to the Commonwealth Games, an inter-Ministerial Task Force has been set up under the Ministry of Tourism (MoT) for monitoring and coordinating further action in this regard by all the agencies concerned. A Committee for expediting Central Government clearances in respect of hotels coming up in Uttar Pradesh has also been set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

To improve the performance of the Indian contingent in the Commonwealth Games, 2010, extensive discussions have been held with all stakeholders and a programme for providing training, foreign exposure, scientific backup, equipment etc., at an estimated cost of Rs.661.00 crore, has been drawn up for the elite sportspersons who will represent India in the Commonwealth Games, 2010.

Government have approved project proposals of the Sports Authority of India for an amount of Rs.1000 crores (± 10%) for the upgradation/creation of sports venue infrastructure; upgradation of the tennis venue by the All India Tennis Association at a cost of Rs.30 crores (± 15%); and expenditure budget for the Organizing Committee on a revenue neutral basis of Rs.767 crores (± 15%) for the `Conduct of the Games`. The Expenditure Finance Committee have recommended the proposal of the Delhi Development Authority for Rs.325.00 crores (± 25%) for the International Zone etc. in the Games village (which is being developed in the Public Private Partnership Mode) and sports infrastructure at the village.

The Planning Commission have approved the proposal of the Government of the NCT of Delhi for an amount of Rs.770.00 crores. Planning Commission have also approved an amount of Rs.110.00 crores to the Government of Maharashtra for sports infrastructure for the Commonwealth Youth Games, 2008 to be held in Pune, which is a sub-event of the main Commonwealth Games 2010.